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Study Abroad: Experiential Learning


Study Abroad:  Reaffirming my Career Goals 

 A reaffirmation of my decision to become an International Lawyer came in the spring of my junior year when I studied abroad at the John Felice Loyola University Rome Center. Nothing is more important than a cross-cultural experience to broaden ones knowledge of the world. I learned first hand that living abroad changes your perceptions. The tools gained by “travel, and especially living abroad, develops the necessary open-mindedness for negotiating internationally” (Goldberg, pg. 2). I consider my time spent abroad just as the time I spent in the district attorney’s office, experiential learning. The skills and tools I acquired abroad will definitely help me become a more marketable candidate in the job search when I graduate law school.

As I researched many articles about the field of international law, I realized the many abilities that I need for my future career have been built during my summer as an Orientation Team Leader at Loyola University Chicago. The traits I have built upon include positivity, patience, adaptability, flexibility and being observant. I learned that each an every student and person is different and deserves a personalized approach. After discussing with Loyola University Chicago’s Career Center representative I have also feel better fit and viable for the job search (Career). This is how I seek to work with legal cases and issues. I want to put my full time, skills and abilities forward and treat each challenge and case like its own individual account. I want to work for the global common good at a small local level, one step at a time.

Study Abroad

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Author: Kaitlyn Titus
Last modified: 4/18/2012 11:03 AM (EDT)