Experiencing Loyola

Home > 3 - Engage Chicago & The World > Campus/Community Involvement

Campus/Community Involvement

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Loyola is committed to helping you become an informed and engaged citizen of your community and the world around you.

How is your involvement on campus, in the Chicago community, or in the greater global community reflective of your interests, passions and values?

At this stage of your experience, you may be living off-campus as a member of the surrounding community. How will you engage with your neighbors and work to create a sense of community? As an engaged citizen, how will you use your knowledge, skills, and passions to address issues globally or in your community?

Consider uploading photos, videos, meeting agendas, other media that demonstrate what you learned about yourself and the community around you through your involvement on campus, in the local community or through international experiences.

Author: Anita Virani
Last modified: 3/1/2015 6:36 PM (EST)