Kami Walters - Undergraduate Development Portfolio

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     In September 2012, I obtained a position through MURI working with Dr. Richard Gregory at the IU Oral Health Research Institute for the remainder of the academic year.  Our research was focused on the effects of nicotine on the binding of an oral bacterium, Streptococcus mutans, to human plasminogen. S. mutans is the primary etiological agent of dental caries or cavities, but it has also been associated with cardiovascular disease. For more information on my and Dr. Gregory’s research from 2012-13, please see the linked poster and paper

     As part of my position, I completed approximately 120 hours of work toward the project, consisting of supervised and unsupervised work in the microbiology laboratory, poster and paper preparation, training in ELISA and related assays, and research team meetings. I also attended monthly research presentations from graduate students in the IU School of Dentistry, and eventually presented my own work to the group at the end of the year. Outside of the lab, I also attended monthly workshops for the MURI program, which consisted of classes on research writing, poster presentation/public speaking, and professional development. 

      Although I decided not to pursue oral microbiology any further, I learned an immense amount about the research process and my personal interests (not to mention a great deal about S. mutans and oral health) in a relatively short amount of time. The MURI program was a great experience for first-year undergraduate researchers, and Dr. Gregory was a truly wonderful teacher and mentor.

Author: Kamilah Walters
Last modified: 5/7/2015 11:07 AM (EDT)