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Section 5: Lesson Plans

Organize by subject area.  All teaching by the candidate should be documented in written lesson plans.  Planning should be documented here, using links or attachments for TS lesson plans.

All lessons taught by the candidate need written plans. Lesson plans should be submitted to the mentor teacher at least 48 hours in advance, for approval. Mentor should indicate approval by initialing and dating the plans. Complete the reflection section after the lesson is taught.  Include how you thought the lesson would go, how it went, and what you would do differently if re-teaching the lesson.  Complete, detailed plans must be written until competency in planning is determined by the supervisor and mentor teacher.  At that time, plans may be abbreviated (short form or block plan), but are still required for teaching.  Unit plans and materials are usually kept in a separate notebook. 

All scheduled observations require a fully detailed long lesson plan that has been approved by the mentor teacher.  Lesson plans should be submitted to the supervisor at least 24 hours before the observation, for review.  

Author: Frostburg Elementary Manager
Last modified: 9/18/2020 9:59 AM (EDT)