PreK - 9 Program_Field Experience Materials

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Assistantship Unit

Assistantship Unit


 The purpose of the Assistantship unit assignment is for development of candidate competency in long-term planning, in using assessments to guide instruction, and in evaluating the impact instruction on student learning.

Candidates will demonstrate the following:

  • Knowledge of the students in the assigned classroom
  • Knowledge of the unit content
  • Knowledge of appropriate standards, pacing suggestions, and sequencing
  • Skills in planning by
    • Using knowledge of students, learning theory, curriculum, and content to develop appropriate learning opportunities for the student learning
    • Using multiple teaching strategies
    • Providing learning opportunities that encourage problem solving and creativity
    • Adapting for diverse students
    • Using analysis of pre-assessment to select learning opportunities for the students
    • Using multiple assessments to guide daily instruction
  • Analysis of post assessment and the instructional impact on student learning
  • Reflect on long term planning, implementation, assessment, and impact on students.
  • Collect artifacts from teaching to show student engagement


The Unit Assignments Includes:

  • A series of lesson on a topic selected by the Mentor Teacher
  • The use of backward mapping to plan and teach the unit
  • Documentation/Artifacts to show:
    • Planning
    • Instruction
    • Assessment
    • Reflection
  • Each candidate will compile all unit artifacts and documents completed during each stage to a Taskstream webpage and will submit a link to the webpage to the mentor, supervisor and content instructor


Unit Collaboration

  • Assistantship teams will collaborate in partners
  • Teams will meet with their Supervisor and Content Instructor during planning.
  • The unit should be reviewed by the content instructor that matches the unit’s content topic
  • Unit Requirement sheet will be used for deadlines


Assistantship Instructional Unit Requirements


 This sheet will be your guide for planning and submitting you Assistantship Unit. Both Assistantship team members will work in collaboration to build the unit and will meet with their Supervisor and Content Instructor during their planning process. Seminar instructors will also be reviewing items and providing feedback before the field experience. Supervisors and Mentor teachers must approve the Unit before teaching.


The Unit materials must be housed in a Unit Webpage in Taskstream and the link shared with the Seminar Instructor, Supervisor and Mentor Teacher. A link to the Unit Webpage will be submitted to Taskstream by the end of the semester.


Assistantship Team Members:                                                                                                                         





Create Unit Webpage on Taskstream using provided template


Title Page

  • Title/Topic
  • School
  • Grade Level
  • Assistants’ names
  • Date


Standards and Objectives

  • All Standards taught in the unit
  • All Objectives taught in the unit




Context for Learning




Concept Map

  • Topic and Central Focus
  • Standards
  • Assessment
  • Instructional Materials
  • Vocabulary terms
  • Progression of unit lessons


Prior Knowledge

  • Reflection: What prior knowledge and skills will students need to successfully begin the unit? What skills and conceptual understanding will students develop as the unit progresses?





  • Rough draft of unit pre-assessment
  • Bulleted list of daily assessments
  • Reflection: How will you vary your daily assessment tasks?
  • Reflection: What are your expected outcomes for students based on the design of your pre-assessment?



Overall Plan

  • Block outline including daily content
    • Standards
    • Objectives
    • Procedures
    • Assessment



Rough Drafts of Lesson Plans



Home/School Newsletter with Unit Information, Resources and At-home Activity



Met with Content Instructor



Met with Supervisor








Materials for Instruction

  • Photographs of instructional materials used during the unit
  • High quality materials
  • Age appropriate materials


Lesson Plans

  • 5 long lessons plans
  • Lesson plan demonstrating vocabulary integration (From REED 473, if applicable)
  • Lesson plan with technology integration
  • Individual reflection for each plan after teaching
    • What was successful in the lesson? What needs improvement?
    • Were the lesson objective(s) met? How do you know?
    • What are your next steps?











Assessment Analysis

  • Pre/Post Assessment Tool Utilized (Blank Copy)
  • Samples of student work on Pre and Post Assessments (remove students’ names)
  • Include chart and graph of the Pre and Post Assessment/Test data.
  • Analysis questions
    • What unit standards/objectives were measured by the assessment?
    • What differences in student performance from pre to post test were evident in the results?
    • How did you use the pretest results to adjust your instruction?
    • On the posttest, on which objectives did students understand and do well?
    • On the posttest, on which objectives did students struggle?
    • Based on your analysis, what are the next steps for students who did well and students who struggled?



Daily Assessments

  • Samples of student work on unit lessons (remove students’ names)
  • Examples of feedback given to students on assessments
  • Reflection: How were you able to determine student learning based on assessment data collected daily? Specific reflection on one selected plan?
  • Reflection: How would you adjust your unit based on student learning data?


Overall Unit Reflection

  • What are your overall take-aways from developing this unit?  How will you apply this learning in your future teaching?
  • How did you engage and motivate all students during the unit?
  • What challenges did you face in classroom management and how did you solve them?




Author: Frostburg Elementary Manager
Last modified: 8/26/2024 3:50 PM (EDT)