PreK - 9 Program_Field Experience Materials

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Internship I Schedule

Internship I Suggested Schedule

Frostburg State University

Suggested Schedule for Internship I                                                        

revised  08.18


Prior to Internship I: Responsibilities

Intern I

  • Orientation Meeting
  • Induction/Preparation Days
    • Tour school and introductions
    • School schedule
    • School/County Policies and Procedures
  • Complete any course assignments associated with the Induction/Preparation days
  • Review the OFCE Handbook, P-9 Materials and other materials included in the Orientation. Any questions about the materials should be directed to the University Supervisor (US).
  • Contact Mentor via phone/email to confirm start date, arrival time, and school site address.
  • Prepare any materials, lessons, etc., needed to begin field experience.
  • Begin preparation for Instructional Unit
  • Establish and maintain Intern I Notebook, daily time sheets, participation of daily activities of the PDS.


  • Review the OFCE Handbook, P-9 Materials  and other materials included in the Orientation. Any questions about the materials should be directed to the University Supervisor.
  • Meet with Intern to review roles/responsibilities and set clear expectations for the field experience. Provide Intern with classroom management, classroom schedule, units, lessons, materials, etc. needed to begin their internship.
  • Phone/email conference with US.
  • Submit contract to Frostburg State University.

University Supervisor (US)

  • Review the OFCE Handbook, P-9 Materials  and other materials included in the Orientation. Any questions about the materials should be directed to the Office of Field Experience.
  • Contact Intern via phone/email to confirm start date, arrival time, and school site address.
  • Phone/email conference with Mentor to review roles/responsibilities and address any questions.


Week 1  Responsibilities

Intern I

  • Conference with Mentor to discuss classroom and school rules/policies. Tour school site.
  • Acclimate to classroom and observe/assist with daily activities.
  • Plan and teach a minimum of one lesson per day. Provide mentor with lesson plan at least 48 hours in advance. 
  • Begin collection of data for Portfolio.
  • Schedule formal observation with University Supervisor (recommended for week two/three).
  • Phone/email conference with University Supervisor.
  • Establish conference time; conference with Mentor daily.
  • Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.
  • Continue preparation for Instructional Unit
  • Work toward completing course and field assignments


  • Assist Intern in acclimating to classroom and school. Introduce to students, faculty, and staff.
  • Discuss and plan timeline for transition of responsibilities based on suggested schedule with Intern. Develop tentative schedule for observation, evaluation, and teaching.
  • Conference with Intern daily.
  • Complete initial conference with intern for instructional unit

University Supervisor

  • Contact Intern via phone/email to review roles/responsibilities and set clear expectations for the field experience. Discuss week one experience.
  • Check in with Mentor via phone/e-mail regarding Intern’s progress.
  • Review weekly reflection; respond as needed.
  • Schedule formal observation with Intern and Mentor (recommended for week two/three).


Week 2  Responsibilities

Intern I

  • Plan and teach a minimum of one lesson per day.
  • Provide Mentor with lesson plan(s) a minimum of 48 hours in advance (or as directed).
  • Continue to observe/assist with classroom activities.
  • Conference with Mentor daily.
  • Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.
  • Begin components/requirements PDS Checklist of Activities
  • Complete first formal observation with US followed by onsite conference. Submit lesson plans to US 24 hours in advance (If scheduled for week 2)
  • Continue preparation for instructional unit and schedule Unit Planning Interview with Supervisor
  • Work toward completing course and field assignments


  • Conference with Intern daily. Continue to support Intern as they observe/assist with classroom activities.
  • Review Intern's lesson plan(s); provide guidance and feedback as needed.
  • Support intern’s preparation for Instructional Unit.
  • Assist with components/requirements for PDS Checklist of Activities

University Supervisor

  • Be available for questions and feedback.
  • Check in as needed with Intern and/or Mentor.
  • Review components/requirements PDS Checklist of Activities
  • Review Intern I Notebook during visits
  • Schedule Unit Planning Interview with Intern
  • Complete first formal observation with Intern followed by onsite conference. Provide written feedback to Intern and Mentor. (If scheduled week 2).


Week 3  Responsibilities

Intern I

  • Plan and teach a minimum of two lessons per day.
  • Provide Mentor with lesson plans a minimum of 48 hours in advance (or as directed).
  • Continue to assist with classroom activities.
  • Conference with Mentor daily.
  • Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.
  • Continue to complete PDS Checklist of Activities
  • Complete first formal observation with US followed by onsite conference. Submit lesson plans to US 24 hours in advance (If scheduled for week 3)
  • Schedule second observation with US (complete in week 4 or 5).
  • Complete Unit Planning Interview with Supervisor and complete planning for unit
  • Work toward completing course and field assignments


  • Gradually increase Intern responsibilities and workload.
  • Conference with Intern daily.
  • Review Intern's lesson plans; provide guidance and feedback as needed.
  • Conference with intern on unit preparations and planning

University Supervisor

  • Be available for questions and feedback.
  • Check in as needed with Intern and/or Mentor.
  • Review Intern I Notebook during visits
  • Complete first formal observation with Intern followed by onsite conference. Provide written feedback to Intern and Mentor(If scheduled for week 3)
  • Schedule second observation with Intern (complete in week 4/5).
  • Complete Unit Planning Interview with Intern


Week 4 Responsibilities

Intern I

  • Plan and teach a minimum of three lessons per day, working toward five full days of teaching with 3 being consecutive (complete in week 4/5).
  • Provide Mentor with lesson plans a minimum of 48 hours in advance (or as directed).
  • Continue to assist with classroom activities.
  • Conference with Mentor daily.
  • Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.
  • Continue to complete PDS Checklist of Activities
  • Complete second formal observation with US followed by onsite conference. Submit lesson plans to US 24 hours in advance (If scheduled for week 4)
  • Implement Instructional Unit
  • Work toward completing course and field assignments


  • Phone/email conference with US as needed.
  • Continue to increase Intern responsibilities and workload.
  • Conference with Intern daily.
  • Review Intern's lesson plans; provide guidance and feedback as needed.
  • Support intern’s implementation of unit

University Supervisor

  • Check in with Mentor via phone/e-mail regarding Interns progress.
  • Be available for questions and feedback.
  • Check in as needed with Intern and/or Mentor.
  • Review weekly reflection; respond as needed.
  • Complete second formal observation with Intern followed by onsite conference. Provide written feedback to Intern and Mentor. (If scheduled week 4).  Unit lesson should be basis for observation
  • Schedule evaluation with Intern and Mentor (complete in week 6).

Week 5  Responsibilities

Intern I

  • Plan and teach a minimum of four lessons per day, working toward five full days of teaching with 3 being consecutive (complete in week 4/5).
  • Provide Mentor with lesson plans a minimum of 48 hours in advance (or as directed).
  • Continue to assist with classroom activities.
  • Conference with Mentor daily.
  • Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.
  • Continue to complete PDS Checklist of Activities
  • Complete second formal observation with US followed by onsite conference. Submit lesson plans to US 24 hours in advance (If scheduled for week 5)
  • Implement Instructional Unit
  • Work toward completing course and field assignments


  • Continue to increase Intern responsibilities and workload.
  • Conference with Intern daily.
  • Review Intern's lesson plans; provide guidance and feedback as needed.
  • Support intern’s implementation of unit

University Supervisor

  • Formal observation Intern followed by conference with Intern and Mentor.
  • Be available for questions and feedback.
  • Check in as needed with Intern and/or Mentor.
  • Review weekly reflection; respond as needed.
  • Complete second formal observation with Intern, followed by onsite conference. Provide written feedback to Intern and Mentor. (If scheduled week 5). Unit lesson should be basis for observation.
  • Schedule evaluation with Intern and Mentor (complete in week 6).


Week 6  Responsibilities

Intern I

  • Evaluation; Complete all evaluation forms and share with Mentor.
  • Plan and teach a minimum of three lessons per day.
  • Provide Mentor with lesson plans a minimum of 48 hours in advance (or as directed).
  • Continue to assist with classroom activities.
  • Conference with Mentor daily.
  • Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.
  • Complete PDS Checklist of Activities. Submit copies of form to TS, University Supervisor and PDS Site Coordinator, as directed. Keep original for next semester.
  • Collection of Internship I documents for permanent file
  • Complete Reflection stage of instructional unit
  • Complete other course/field work assignments


  • Evaluation of Intern; Conference with Intern and US at school site.
  • Evaluate Instructional Unit in collaboration with Supervisor
  • Collaborate with US on Evaluation of Intern.
  • Conference with Intern daily.
  • Review Interns lesson plans; provide guidance and feedback as needed.

University Supervisor

  • Evaluation of Intern; Conference with Intern and Mentor at school site.
  • Evaluate Instructional Unit in collaboration with Mentor
  • Be available for questions and feedback.
  • Check in as needed with Intern and/or Mentor.
  • Review weekly reflection; respond as needed.
  • Collection of documents for permanent file
  • Final Evaluation Rating Forms completed and signed
  • Timesheets, Summary Sheets, Make Up Day Form completed and signed
  • Notebook Rating Form completed and signed
  • Copy of PDS Checklist signed and Impact study form
  • Lesson Plans with observation and signatures
  • Unit Planning Interview form and Unit rubric signed
  • Checklist for Permanent files signed




Note: This is a recommended schedule based on a 6-week (30 days) Internship assignment. The Mentor and Supervisor should ultimately determine the timeline for transitioning responsibilities to the Intern based on the school schedule and curriculum


Author: Frostburg Elementary Manager
Last modified: 8/26/2024 3:50 PM (EDT)