PreK - 9 Program_Field Experience Materials

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Assistantship Responsiblities

Assistantship Procedures and Requirements

ELED 307 Procedures

  1. Assistants will identify a partner at the beginning of the semester, with whom they will be placed for the assistantship and with whom the instructional unit will be developed.
  2. The OCFE Clinical Coordinator will notify each pair (team) of their placement prior to their Initial Days in the field. Other information will be provided at that time, such as directions to the school and arrival times for teachers.
  3. FSU faculty supervisors for the teacher assistants are determined as coordinated by the Clinical Coordinator.


ELED 307 Requirements

The candidate is expected to successfully complete all field assignments listed in the ELED 307 syllabus and the field assignments of each of the Assistantship courses.


ELED 307 Field Assignments

All assignments are explained in the ELED 307 syllabus and task sheet. Materials for these assignments are provided in the PreK-9 Field Expereince Materials website.


  1. Attend placement during the scheduled dates. Assistants should adhere to the placement school’s teacher duty day times and hours, arriving and departing at the same time as the mentor teacher. If an assistant is late/absent/leaves early due to personal reasons, he/she must follow the reporting procedures for the Office of Clinical and Field Experience.
    1. The Mentor Teacher and Principal /Designee– Before the start of the school day
    2. The Office of Clinical and Field Experience– Contact Ms. Arnold at 301-687-3087 before 9:00 a.m. 
    3. The University Supervisor – before 9:00 am but ASAP if the Supervisor is scheduled to conduct an observation on that day. This should also be done in the event of school cancellations.
    4. Any days or hours missed due to personal reasons must be made up in order to meet the minimum 15 day requirement. Assistants should use the Make Up Day form in Section A to document planned make up days following the last day of classes for the semester. A full day equals 7.5 hours.
  2. Establish and maintain a Field Experience Notebook. Assistants should follow the stated criteria for the notebook, formatted into a hard-copy binder or electronic folio on Taskstream. This assignment will be graded by the supervisor. Regardless of the format, this binder or folio, including all time records and reflections, must be kept up to date and access provided to the University Supervisor prior to and during each scheduled visit.  See the full assignment criteria in this section.
  3. Maintain daily time sheets.  All observation, non-instructional and teaching time should be documented on the Assistantship Time Record. These records could be typed or handwritten in chart form. Supervisors should initial dates for observation. Only induction/preparation days, internship days and make up days should be documented on the time sheets.
  4. Provide evidence of lesson planning. Assistants should have a lesson plan for every teaching experience. Any lesson plans must be submitted to the mentor teacher 48 hours before the scheduled teaching. All candidates will submit lesson plans to their University Supervisor 24 hours prior to an observed lesson.  A failure to submit lesson plans by the stated deadlines will indicate a teaching performance concern and the procedures for these issues outlined in the Field Experience Handbook will be followed. The lesson plans included in the Field Experience Notebook section would represent the lessons written during the experience. The long lesson plan format will be the only one used by Assistants.
  5. Complete required teaching assignments and observations. All assistants are required to teach the planned unit with their partner and individual lessons as directed by the mentor and course instructors. The University Supervisor will conduct a minimum of one observation. It is the Assistants’ responsibility to indicate and confirm the date and time of the observation with the supervisor and mentor.
  6. Complete field assignments for semester courses. Classes do not meet during the 15 day Assistantship experience.  These courses meet the required time for a 3 credit course by extending the length of classes during the first part of the semester.  Candidates are expected to complete field-related course assignments during the Assistantship experience. These requirements and the due dates will be outlined on the ELED 307 Task Sheet provided separately. Additional details about assignments will be provided by course instructors before the field experience.



EDUC 307 Evaluation Requirements

  1. Visits/Observations by University Supervisors

Each Assistant pair will be assigned a University Supervisor. Assistants should expect an initial visit from the Supervisor during the Preparation days. During this visit, the Supervisor will check notebooks, sign time sheets, and discuss progress on field assignments. The supervisor may establish a time for the first observation and will conference with the mentor teacher.  Each supervisor will complete a minimum of one formal observation during the field experience. This observation may occur during unit teaching or content lessons. Additional visits and observations may be planned dependent on the candidates’ needs.

  1. Evaluation

The University Supervisor will evaluate pair and individual teaching performance during the teaching observation. The Assistant Observation Form will be used to document performance for all observations. The Mentor Teacher will evaluate each candidate’s individual performance at the conclusion of the field experience using the Assistantship Performance Rating form.

  1. Assistantship Paperwork

Candidates are responsible for securing all the required signatures on field paperwork. All materials, as listed on the Assistantship Paperwork Checklist are collected and organized by candidate and submitted to the Office of Clinical and Field Experience prior to the end of the semester. The completed forms will be placed in the candidate’s permanent file in the Office of Clinical and Field Experiences.


Assistantship Requirements

A Task Sheet for the Assistantship will be provided by the  instructors. This task sheet will guide the Assistant's work for all class and field experience assignments during the 3 weeks.

Assistantship (3 weeks)

  • Teaching Requirements
    • Team and individual teaching using Long Lesson Plan form
    • Each individual teaches at least one lesson
    • One lesson per content area required
    • Plan and teach Instructional Unit (at least 5 days)
    • At least one teaching observation by University Supervisor
  • ELED 307 Assignments
    • Field Experience Notebook (graded)
      • Time Record Forms
      • Weekly Reflections
    • Instructional Unit
      • Planning, Instruction, Assessment sections with reflection questions for each
    • Assistantship Performance Rating
    • Professional Dispositions and Responsibilities Rating
    • Assistantship Summary Sheet – (with signatures)
  • Course Assignments
    • Content Area Lessons (1 each –literacy, social studies, math, science)
    • Service Learning Project
    • Home-School Newsletter
    • Running Record on one student
    • Written records of classroom observations
    • Parent/Teacher activities (if EC/Elem candidate)
    • PDS Entrance Portfolio
      • Initial evidence of meeting program standards
      • Presented at the PDS Entrance Interview
      • Passing score is requirement to continue in program
    • Others as assigned


Suggested Assistantship Schedule

Frostburg State University

Suggested Schedule for Assistantship                                                    

revised  08.19


Prior to Assistantship Responsibilities


  • Orientation Meeting
  • Preparation Days
    • Tour school and introductions
    • School schedule
    • School/County Policies and Procedures
  • Complete any course assignments associated with the Preparation days
  • Review the OFCE Handbook, P-9 Materials and other materials included in the Orientation. Any questions about the materials should be directed to the University Supervisor (US).
  • Contact Mentor via phone/email to confirm start date, arrival time, and school site address.
  • Prepare any materials, lessons, etc., needed to begin field experience.
  • Begin planning for Instructional Unit – identify topic, dates of teaching, task identification, lesson planning. meetings with content instructor and supervisor
  • Establish and maintain Assistantship Field Experience Notebook and daily time sheets


  • Review the OFCE Handbook, P-9 Materials, Assistantship Section and other materials relevant to the field experience. Any questions about the materials should be directed to the University Supervisor.
  • Communicate with assistant pair to review roles/responsibilities and set clear expectations for the field experience. Provide assistants with classroom management, classroom schedule, units, lessons, materials, etc. needed to begin their planning
  • Phone/email conference with supervisor

University Supervisor (US)

  • Review the OFCE Handbook, P-9 Materials, Assistantship Section and other materials relevant to field experience. Any questions about the materials should be directed to the Office of Field Experience.
  • Contact assistants via phone/email to confirm start date, arrival time, and school site address.
  • Phone/email conference with Mentor to review roles/responsibilities and address any questions.


Week 1  Responsibilities


  • Conference with Mentor to discuss classroom and school rules/policies. Tour school site.
  • Acclimate to classroom and observe/assist with daily activities.
  • Determine teaching schedule – lessons and unit
  • Schedule formal observation with University Supervisor (recommended for week two/three).
  • Phone/email conference with University Supervisor.
  • Establish conference time; conference with Mentor daily.
  • Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.
  • Continue preparation for Instructional Unit
  • Work toward completing course and field assignments


  • Assist Assistants in acclimating to classroom and school. Introduce to students, faculty, and staff.
  • Discuss and plan timeline for requirements based on suggested schedule.
  • Develop tentative schedule for observation, evaluation, and teaching.
  • Conference with Assistants daily.
  • Complete initial conference with assistants for instructional unit and content lessons

University Supervisor

  • Contact Assistants via phone/email to review roles/responsibilities and set clear expectations for the field experience. Discuss week one experience.
  • Check in with Mentor via phone/e-mail regarding Intern’s progress.
  • Review weekly reflection; respond as needed.
  • Schedule formal observation (recommended for week two/three).


Week 2  Responsibilities


  • Continue to observe/assist with classroom activities.
  • Conference with Mentor daily.
  • Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.
  • Continue preparation for instructional units/lesson or begin teaching unit/lessons
  • Provide Mentor with lesson plan(s) a minimum of 48 hours in advance (or as directed).
  • Complete formal observation with US followed by onsite conference. Submit lesson plans to US 24 hours in advance (If scheduled for week 2)
  • Work toward completing course and field assignments


  • Conference with Assistants daily. Continue to support Assistant as they observe/assist with classroom activities.
  • Review unit and content lesson plan(s); provide guidance and feedback as needed.
  • Support assistants’ preparation for Instructional Unit and lessons

University Supervisor

  • Be available for questions and feedback.
  • Check in as needed with Assistants and/or Mentor.
  • Review Assistantship Field Experience Notebook, including reflection and time sheets
  • Complete formal observation with Assistants followed by onsite conference. Provide written feedback to Intern and Mentor. (If scheduled week 2).


Week 3  Responsibilities


  • Continue to observe/assist with classroom activities.
  • Conference with Mentor daily.
  • Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.
  • Begin teaching unit/lessons
  • Provide Mentor with lesson plan(s) a minimum of 48 hours in advance (or as directed).
  • Complete formal observation with US followed by onsite conference. Submit lesson plans to US 24 hours in advance (If scheduled for week 3)
  • Work toward completing course and field assignments
  • Gather signatures from mentor and supervisor for all required paperwork
  • Submit link to Unit webpage to Taskstream


  • Conference with Assistants daily. Continue to support Assistant as they observe/assist with classroom activities.
  • Review unit and content lesson plan(s); provide guidance and feedback as needed.
  • Support assistants’ instruction for unit and lessons
  • Complete Assistant Performance Rating for both assistants. Conference with each to share results.
  • Provide signatures on all required paperwork

University Supervisor

  • Be available for questions and feedback.
  • Check in as needed with Assistants and/or Mentor.
  • Review Assistantship Notebook during visits, including reflection and time sheets
  • Complete formal observation with Assistants followed by onsite conference. Provide written feedback to Intern and Mentor. (If scheduled week 3).
  • Provide signatures on all required paperwork
  • Score Assistants’ unit on Taskstream – by end of semester




Note: This is a recommended schedule based on a 3 week Assistantship  assignment. The Mentor and Supervisor should ultimately determine the timeline for transitioning responsibilities to the Assistant based on the school schedule and curriculum



Author: Frostburg Elementary Manager
Last modified: 2/18/2025 3:38 PM (EDT)