PreK - 9 Program_Field Experience Materials

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Time Records

Assistantship Time Record

Time Record Procedures for Assistantship

The teacher assistant is required to keep a record of time spent in the schools.  Candidates should limit time recorded to the teacher duty day. Specific time sheets and record forms are in Field Experience Materials website.  The date of visits by University supervisors should be noted in the time record form.  The Mentor Teacher and University Supervisor will verify the number of days completed for the experience. The signatures of both the mentor teacher and university supervisor on the Field ExperienceSummary sheet will authenticate this record. The following activities should be documents on the time record.


  1. Observation:  Activities when the assistant is watching another person who is in charge of activities for the students.  For example, Observed Math lesson 
  2. Non-instructional time: Activities when the assistant is not in charge of activities with students.  For example, lunch running copies, checking papers while in school.  The time is described and time recorded.  For example, Planning
  3. Teaching time: Activities when the assistant is in charge of the classroom, small groups of students, or tutoring individual students.  For example, Teaching circle time 

The time record forms can be completed by hand (pen or pencil) or electronically, using the template available within the field experience materials and handbooks. Insert a number for each completed day to aid with determining the total number of full days completed in the experience.

The time records are a permanent record of the field experience days completed and must have the required signatures on the Summary Sheet.

All completed time sheets must be kept up to date and uploaded in the designated section of the Field Experience Notebook for the field experience. A link to the Field Experience Notebook must be submitted to the Mentor Teacher and University Supervisor at the start of the field experience, so time records can be accessed during the experinece.  A link to the Field Experience Notebook, where the time record forms are housed will be submitted to Taskstream by the candidate at the end of the experience.


Make Up Day Approval Form

Author: Frostburg Elementary Manager
Last modified: 2/18/2025 3:38 PM (EDT)