PreK - 9 Program_Field Experience Materials

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PreK - 9 Field Experience General Materials

Possible Questions for Your Mentor Teacher



General School Information

  1. How is the building arranged? May I have a floor plan and a tour of the building?
  2. What type of community surrounds the school?
  3. What is the average class size and how many students are in the school?
  4. Is there a school lunch program or a place for teachers who bring their lunch?
  5. What are the facilities/resources that can be used by the teacher and class such as computers and other technology, the library, and other resources/supplies?
  6. Do special teachers visit the school?  How may I learn about their services?
  7. What are the major interests, achievements, and activities of the students in this grade?
  8. Are there any unusual classes?
  9. May I observe other teachers at some time during my intern experience?
  10. How can I become involved with in the school community?


Procedure and Policy

  1. What time does school begin and end, and when am I expected to arrive in the morning and leave in the afternoon?
  2. How do you manage the students and classroom? What techniques should I as an intern use?
  3. How can I access the school handbook and general school policies?
  4. What grading system is used in this school, and what grading responsibilities will I have?
  5. How can I access the calendar of school activities and events?
  6. What professional development activities and meetings will be available for me to attend?
  7. What extra duties will be required of me?



  1. What do you expect of me, and what materials will I need?
  2. What will be my teaching schedule? How will you release responsibility of the class to me?
  3. How and when would you want to receive my lesson plans before teaching?
  4. What abilities will my students have? How is grouping used in the classroom?
  5. How can I access the class textbooks and manuals?
  6. What are the general room policies?
  7. How long will I be able to observe before I start teaching?



  1. Are there any social restrictions either from the school or the community?
  2. How will you inform me of my progress? When is a good time for us to conference each day?
  3. What is the best way to contact you?
Author: Frostburg Elementary Manager
Last modified: 2/18/2025 3:38 PM (EDT)