PreK - 9 Program_Field Experience Materials

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Field Experience Notebook Requirements

Field Experience Notebook


Frostburg State University

PreK – 9 Programs


Assistants and Interns are required to set up and maintain a field experience notebook with information pertinent to his/her school setting and requirements for each field experience. The folio, including all time records and reflections, must be kept up to date and access must be provided to the University Supervisor, via a weblink, at the start of the semester. The notebook folio will be submitted elctronically to Taskstream and  will be evaluated by the candidate’s supervisor at the end of the Assistantship, Internship I and Internship II. The Notebook criteria and the grading tool are located in this Appendix and on Taskstream. The supervisor will assess the notebook according to the criteria described on the following pages.

*Note: In the electronic format, links to schedules, calendars, school policy handbooks lesson plans, and other electronic materials will meet requirements.

The required sections are as follows:


Cover Page:

Contact Information - Names and phone numbers of mentor teacher, university supervisor, Internship PDS, PDS principal and PDS site coordinator

Section 1:

Calendar of Events – Include relevant university schedules, PDS classroom schedule, and PDS district calendar.

Section 2:

School Handbook and Emergency Procedures –Review the policies and learn these procedures immediately.  School specific policies concerning fire drills, lockdowns, discipline, homework, field trips, assessments, referrals, etc should be included.  READ and FOLLOW all the school procedures.

Section 3:

Timesheets – Keep up to date and record time at the conclusion of each internship day.  May be written or typed.  Be sure to number each completed day. Supervisors will sign on visit days.

Section 4: 

Reflections- Should be written individually once a week. Content should address successes, challenges, learning from day-to-day experience. May be hand-written or typed, half to one page in length.  Date each entry.  Supervisors will review during visits so most recent entries are filed first. Assistants should include observations of mentor teachers in this section. 

Section 5:

Lesson Plans – Separate by subject area.  All teaching by the candidate should be documented in this section. UseTaskStream for lesson plans.


All lessons taught by the candidate need written plans. Lesson plans should be submitted to the mentor teacher at least 48 hours in advance, for approval. Mentor should indicate approval by initialing and dating the plans. Complete the reflection section after the lesson is taught.  Include how you thought the lesson would go, how it went, and what you would do differently if re-teaching the lesson.  Complete, detailed plans must be written until competency in planning is determined by the supervisor and mentor teacher.  At that time, plans may be abbreviated (short form or block plan), but are still required for teaching.  Unit plans and materials are usually kept in a separate notebook. 


All scheduled observations require a fully detailed long lesson plan that has been approved by the mentor teacher.  Lesson plans should be submitted to the supervisor at least 24 hours before the observation, for review.  

Section 6:

Evaluations – Include lesson plans of supervisor-observed lessons and copies or scans of supervisor observation forms. Any mentor or principal observation evidence and feedback should be included in this section.

Section 7:     

Impact on Learners – Collect samples of the student products from the lessons taught (delete or omit students’ last names).  Develop checklists for observations and use a class list chart for grade recording. Include any evidence or documentation of student growth. 

Section 8:

University Materials

  1. Copy of Handbooks or links to TS handbook pages
  2. ELED 307/ELED 494/ELED 495  Syllabus


Grading Criteria:  The rating form for each field experience can be found in the corresponding section. Rating of Effective or Developing is necessary to pass each course.



Author: Frostburg Elementary Manager
Last modified: 2/18/2025 3:38 PM (EDT)