PreK - 9 Program_Field Experience Materials

Placement Requests

Frederick or Washington County Placement Request (Intern I and II only)

Who can request a placement in Frederick or Washington Counties?

  1. Intern I candidates in the fall may request a placement and transfer to the Hagerstown Campus to complete their Block II courses at USM-Hagerstown and Internship I experience in Frederick or Washington Counties. These candidates would continue with their Internship II in their F/W PDS during the spring semester. Only Elem candidates who have completed their specialization and are not middle school would be eligible for this option.
  2. Intern I candidates in the spring may request a Frederick or Washington Co. placement. Block II courses would be completed at the Frostburg campus.  As Intern IIs in the fall, these candidates would continue in their F/W PDS placements but would remain a Frostburg campus student.
  3. Intern II candidates in the fall may request a Frederick or Washington Co. placement. The EDUC 422: Leadership Seminar may not be offered at USM-Hagerstown, so candidates would enroll in and travel to that course at the Frostburg campus.
  4. Intern II candidates in the spring  may request a placement and transfer to the Hagerstown Campus to complete their EDUC 422: Leadership seminar course at USM-H and Internship II experience in a Frederick or Washington County PDS.

What conditions apply?

  1. Placement priority is given to candidates originally enrolled at the USM-Hagerstown campus.
  2. Placements are dependent on the availability of required placements and supervision resources in the Frederick/Washington PDS network.
  3. Interns will be placed in existing Professional Development Schools in Washington County or Frederick County.  Candidates are encouraged to complete 100 days in one PDS placement.


What additional responsibilities will the candidates have?

  1. Candidates transferring to USM-H are responsible for completing required courses not offered at the Hagerstown Campus (currently the Middle school curriculum, elementary specialization courses and those courses out of the EC/Elem program sequence- EDUC 422:Leadership Seminar in the fall). This responsibility includes transportation by the candidate and scheduling must avoid conflicts with Hagerstown courses.
  2. After registering for the Hagerstown courses (Intern I in the fall, Intern II in the spring), the candidate will notify the Registrar’s Office to have their campus changed to Hagerstown.

 How to apply?

  1. Obtain an application from the Field Experience Handbook or from the Office of Clinical and Field Experiences.
  2. Complete the application, which includes an explanation of the reasons for the transfer.
  3. Obtain your advisor’s signature.
  4. Submit the application to the Office of Clinical and Field Experiences by March 15th (spring) or October 15th (fall) in the semester prior to the transfer semester.

How will I be notified of my placement?

  1. Placement notification will be through the normal procedures for Internship assignments used by the Office of Clinical and Field Experiences.
  2. Your transfer will be approved by the PreK-8 Coordinator and the Placement Coordinator (OCFE), based on the admission requirements for Professional Development Schools and Phase III and the availability of placements and supervisors. The USM–H PreK-8 Liaison will be notified once the transfer is approved.



Placement Requests- Outside of PDS Network

Non-PDS Placement Request Procedures

(Internship II)


Reason for requesting a non-PDS placement for Internship II


  • Coppin State University/Frostburg State University Partnership
  • Other, Describe


Who can request a non-PDS placement for Internship II?

  1. Intern II candidates in the fall may request a non-PDS placement. Candidates need to enroll in the Frostburg campus version of their final seminar (example: EDUC 422: Leadership Seminar) and make arrangements to attend all course and individual meetings for that course with the seminar instructor at the Frostburg campus.
  2. Intern II candidates in the spring may request a non-PDS placement. Candidates could enroll in the Frostburg or USM-Hagerstown campus version of EDUC 422: Leadership Seminar if you are an Early Childhood/Elementary, Elementary, Elementary/Middle candidate. Otherwise, candidates need to enroll in the Frostburg campus version of their final seminar The candidate would be expect to make arrangements to attend all course and individual meetings for that course with the seminar instructor at the selected Frostburg or USM-H campus.


What conditions apply?

  1. Candidates would be required to complete the application and interview process related to the request. Evidence from field experiences, courses and recommendations from faculty would also be submitted as part of the application.
  2. A committee consisting of program faculty, as well as the program coordinator and Coordinator of the Office of Clinical and Field Experience, would review the candidate’s application, corresponding evidence and interview results in order to reach a decision on the requested placement.
  3. Placements are dependent on the ability to develop a relationship with the desired district/school, the availability of the required placement grade level, the availability of a willing and qualified mentor, as well the possibility of consistent oversight by a qualified supervisor at the non-PDS location.
  4. Candidates would be expected to complete all field experience requirements, including orientation meetings, and assignments as stated in the Field Experience Handbook. Candidates would be required to complete 70+ days in the placement, as determined by the internship schedule for that semester.
  5. Candidates would be expected to complete all course requirements for the last semester seminar and all remaining graduation requirements, such as the exit interview during the non-PDS placement semester.


How to apply?

  1. Obtain an application from the Office of Clinical and Field Experiences.
  2. Meet with the program coordinator prior to application submission
  3. Complete the application and submit the required documentation to the Office of Clinical and Field Experiences by March 15th (spring) or October 15th (fall) in the semester prior to the non-PDS placement semester.
  4. The program coordinator will contact the candidate to set a date for the interview with the program review committee.


How will I be notified?

  1. Following the interview and application review by the program review committee, the program coordinator will notify the candidate of the committee’s decision.
  2. The OCFE Coordinator will contact the intern regarding the placement information, mentor and supervisor assignment. The intern is responsible for completing a pre-practice visit with the assignment mentor prior to the start of the internship.
Author: Frostburg Elementary Manager
Last modified: 2/18/2025 3:38 PM (EDT)