PreK - 9 Program_Field Experience Materials

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Internship I Responsiblities

Internship I Responsibilities

ELED 494 Field Assignments

The candidate is expected to successfully complete all field assignments listed in the ELED 494 syllabus and the field assignments of each of the Internship I courses.

  1. ELED 494 Field Assignments: All assignments are explained in the ELED 494 syllabus. Materials for these assignments are provided in the PreK-9 Field Experience Materials website.
    1. Establish and maintain a Field Experience Notebook. Interns should follow the stated criteria for the notebook, formatted into a hard-copy binder or electronic folio on Taskstream. This assignment will be graded by the supervisor following the final conference. Special focus should be placed on the collection of evidence in the “Impact on Learners” Notebook section for this experience. See the full assignment criteria in at the website.
    2. Maintain daily time sheets.  All observation, non-instructional and teaching activities should be documented on the Internship I Time Record. These records could be typed or handwritten in chart form. Supervisors should initial dates for observation. Only induction/preparation days, internship days and make up days should be documented on the time sheets.
    3. Full participation in daily activities of the PDS. Interns should document their PDS activities on the Record of Professional Development School Activities/Experiences. This form will also be used to document the PDS activities in Internship II.
    4. Complete requirements for teaching (minimum of 5 full days) and supervisor observations (minimum of 2 observations).  A minimum of five full days of teaching is required, with three days being consecutive. Content and schedule for teaching should be determined in collaboration with the mentor teacher. If interns are not teaching, they are to be observing, assisting their mentor teachers, or working with their mentor teachers on coursework that is tied to field work.  During these days, interns should fulfill all the responsibilities of their mentor teacher. The mentor teacher may be present but assumes an assisting role. During the 6 week experience, the university supervisor will conduct a minimum of 2 formal observations.
    5. Provide evidence of daily lesson planning. Intern I candidates should be involved in daily teaching across the 6 weeks. The number and content of all lessons for Intern I’s will be determined by the mentor teacher. Interns should have a lesson plan for every teaching experience. The lesson plans included in the Field Experience Notebook section would represent a sample of all the lessons written during the 6 week experience and since Intern I candidates are engaging in both long lesson planning and short lesson planning, examples of both types of lessons should be included in in Section 5 of the Field Experience Notebook (hard copy or TS electronic).
    6. Complete Internship I Instructional Unit.  Interns should consult their mentor teacher to determine the topic and timeline for the unit during the Induction/Preparation Days. Additional information and materials related to the unit are located at the Materials website.
    7. Engage in positive Home-School communication. Candidates are required and expected to develop and maintain positive relationships between the home and classroom environments. Drafts of any formal communication to families must be reviewed and approved by the mentor teacher, school principal and the university supervisor before any documents or links are finalized and sent home. Candidates should use effective written communication techniques in any communication and are to be especially attentive to tone, spelling, grammar and mechanics in their written communication with families and caregivers.  During Intern II, candidates will prepare and distribute two communication documents (letter, newsletter, address for webpage, etc) during each field experience.
      1. Introduction - This introductory item should include a clear photo, the candidate’s full name and personal information relevant to their program and the field experience. It must be distributed by the second week of the field experience and could include the release form (see OFCE handbook and this Appendix)
      2. Unit Information-  This informational piece will be shared in conjunction with the intern’s unit and at a minimum should include a description and timeline for the unit, a list of related resources for parents/caregivers, and directions for a related home-based activity. This document should be distributed prior to or during the first week of the unit.

2. Coursework During Internship I -  Classes do not meet during the 6 week Internship I experience.  These courses meet the required time for a 3 credit course by extending the length of classes during the first part of the semester.  Also, some Friday seminar classes are utilized as course time. Candidates are expected to complete field-related course assignments during the Internship I experience. The requirements for these assignments are briefly described later in this appendix. Additional details will be provided by course instructors before the field experience.

REED 425 Materials and Motivations for Reading. A reading interest inventory is to be created, administered and analyzed.  Based on analysis of the inventory results, the intern will create a Children’s Library Proposal to be assessed by the instructor.  These assignments will be further explained and assessed by the instructor.

REED 420 Assessment for Reading Instruction. During the initial visit, interns will be required to interview either a mentor teacher/classroom reading teacher OR the school’s reading specialist about the literacy assessments used in the classroom or school environment.  This interview will be used in a later assignment.  During the Internship I, the intern will compile a literacy assessment notebook, consisting of a variety of  assessments collected for and administered with one selected student in the field classroom.  The purpose of this assignment is to develop the candidate’s skills in informal and formal assessment administration, analysis and interpretation. These assignments will be further explained and assessed by the instructor.

Note: EC/ELEM majors taking ECED 431: ECE Curriculum & Assessment and ELEM/MID candidates taking EDUC 445: Middle School Curriculum and Methods will have specific Internship I field assignments. These assignments will be described in detail by the respective instructor.

ELED 494 Evaluation Requirements

  1. Visits/Observations by University Supervisors. Each candidate will be assigned a University Supervisor. This supervisor will conduct a minimum of 2 formal observations. The Supervisor may conduct additional observations or make additional visits.
    1. Interns should expect an initial visit from the Supervisor during the first week of the internship.  They check notebooks, sign time sheets, talk with mentor teachers, and discuss progress on field assignments. If it is the fall semester, the supervisor will discuss the induction experience. During this “Hello” visit, the supervisor will establish a time for the first observation and will probably conference with the mentor teacher.  The supervisor may review procedures with the intern about the post-observation conference.
    2. The first observation should be scheduled toward the beginning of the Internship I experience. A long, detailed plan will be expected for the first observation.  Following the observation, will hold a short conference with the intern, in order to provide immediate feedback on the intern's teaching. Supervisors provide written comments concerning the observation either at the conclusion of the conference or shortly after.  A written copy is also given to the mentor teacher. After the first observation, the supervisor will set a time for a second observation.  The university supervisor will keep the intern’s long lesson plan and a copy of the observation form. Materials from two observations are kept as part of the intern’s permanent record.
    3. A second observation will be conducted during the second half the Internship I experience. Interns and Supervisors should schedule the second observation to occur with an Internship I unit lesson.  After the second observation, the time for the three-way evaluation conference will be set.  Note that additional observations may be made at the discretion of the supervisor.
  2. Evaluation Conference.  The university supervisor will conduct a 3-way final evaluation with the candidate and the mentor teacher at the end of the internship. The Intern Performance Rating and the Professional Dispositions and Responsibilities Rating will be completed, as well as the Addendum (EC, Elem or Middle) that corresponds to the placement grade level. Once the evaluation conference is scheduled, the intern should complete the self-evaluation items and provide his/her mentor with the forms to allow for enough time for completion by the mentor and supervisor (Evaluation Council) before the conference. All forms are located in the OCFE handbook, Section B of the PreK-9 Appendix and on Taskstream. The evaluation forms are signed and the supervisor will return them to the university.
  3. Internship I Paperwork.  By the end of the semester, all required documents must be received by the university supervisor (see Appendix for checklist). Interns are responsible for securing all the required signatures before submitting the paperwork to his/her supervisor. The completed forms will be placed in the candidate’s permanent file in the Office of Clinical and Field Experiences.
Author: Frostburg Elementary Manager
Last modified: 2/18/2025 3:38 PM (EDT)