Narrative (Continued)
The charge and goals of the consortium is being actualized through the work of three subcommittees.
Institutional Efficacy: This group will work to (a) identify and align engagement activities across the campus and (b) facilitate opportunities to share work, experiences, successes, and challenges, as well as resources among units and departments. Potential Objectives/Action Items: perform a program audit that identifies duplication or opportunities for collaboration; qualify engagement activities based on Flagship 2020 through a campus report card; and examine pros and cons of departmental reorganization based on regional and national peer institutions.
External Coalitions and Memberships: This group will work to (a) identify off-campus umbrella organizations and community members to serve on boards and committees pertaining to university engagement policies and programs and (b) assist the university to identify regional, national, and international consortiums and forums that focus on civic engagement. Potential Objectives/Action Items: determine the benefits of LSU membership in the International Town & Gown Association or the Urban Serving Universities Coalition; identify national awards and recognitions for LSU application; develop an interdepartmental process for award/recognition application; recommend guest speakers who are leaders in engagement; identify opportunities for collaboration with local non-profits or government.
Public Relations: This group will coordinate the development of a yearly status report of the wide range of engagement scholarship and activities across the university. Potential Objectives/Action Items: lead the effort to produce an annual report on campus engagement activities; facilitate the transition of the former LSU Serves the World site into the university’s civic engagement ‘hubsite;’ serve as the consortium’s liaison to the LSU Office of Communications and University Relations.
One of the first steps the Consortium on Civic Engagement undertook was a faculty survey [68]. This is baseline information that serves a starting point for further actions. Table 3 highlights the faculty responses.
NOTE: A full list of attachments is available in the first half of the narrative.