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Gateway to Graduation Faculty Development

Colleges and universities expend tremendous effort and resources to identify barriers of student retention, as well as determine variables that support student retention.  Research indicates that, “faculty intervention in and out of the classroom may be the best way to enhance student retention“ (Faculty Council, 2005, p. 4). The impact of faculty on student success and retention is especially prominent at IUPUI and has spurred the development of a specific program to enhance the instructor-student relationship

The Gateway to Graduation Program at IUPUI is a faculty-led effort to improve student learning and retention in courses with high enrollments of first-year students. Gateway serves 8,000 students per semester over 74 classes and involves 500 faculty. The leadership team of Gateway conducted a needs analysis of faculty to develop effective methods for providing support, increasing engagement, and removing barriers to faculty success. Specific attention is paid to faculty needs concerning:

  • Curriculum development
  • Retention strategies
  • Classroom management
  • leveraging campus resources

After collecting and analyzing this data, I have to opportunity to share the results in the form of a poster presentation with my colleagues at the First Year Experience Conference in Orlando in February of 2016.  To view the formal poster we presented, please click on the attachment below.

File Attachments:
  1. Gateway FYE Poster.pptx Gateway FYE Poster.pptx
Author: Tiffany Whinery
Last modified: 3/3/2017 8:08 AM (EDT)