Neuroscience Professional Portfolio

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Homeless Outreach

In the fall semester of 2016, I was part of a group of four girls that created a homeless outreach program. Each week we hold a meeting that discusses weekly happenings with the homeless population and the specific methods that we can help benefit them. For example, when large events are held in Military park, the homeless that live there are displaced. Adverse weather also has a large impact on the homeless population. Our goal is to meet with the homeless twice a month to discuss their life and provide them with coffee and snacks. 

This has been a great experience so far. Each time we go out to meet with the homeless, we are met with warm smiles and long conversations. These people are part of a group that are often overlooked and misunderstood and they appreciate being treated with respect and dignity. Although our group cannot provide for all of their needs (especially the guy that asked for a TV) we can lift their spirits and be a friend. Through our actions, we can increase morale within these people and hopefully give them hope for the future. We understand that we are not specialists and we always carry cards with information about all of the local shelters and food pantries, but we believe that we can have a positive influence on these people and brighten their day. 

Author: Alisha Whittaker
Last modified: 12/7/2016 1:28 PM (EDT)