Neuroscience Professional Portfolio

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"Research is creating new knowledge"

-Neil Armstrong

A great part of IUPUI is the multitud of professors that are conducting exciting research projects. As a senior, I am participating in the Neuroscience Lab Capstone course that allows students to get involved in research on campus. Our first big project was creating a teaching module based on research of what is effective in the classroom and the second part of the class focuses on research with C. elegans. This course has the goal of introducing lab techniques and familiarizing the students with research. At the end of the course, a poster will be constructed based on either the teaching module or the C. elegan research to represent our findings. I am also collaborating with two researchers on campus during my senior year on the research project titled Young Latina Project. More information on each project is included in the tabs to the left. 








Author: Alisha Whittaker
Last modified: 12/7/2016 1:28 PM (EDT)