Indy to India 2k16

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Preparing to Go


I'm a planner. But I'm also an under-packer.

It's really weird, and I don't know many people with that particular combination of characteristics, but that's how I am. I just need to throw some clothes and a toothbrush in a suitcase and I'll be good to go, right? Even as I write this a week before I head out, I have a suggested packing list in front of me. It's a single spaced, one page list of items that a veteran traveler has suggested for this particular trip. I've crossed off roughly half of them.

Tweezers? Nah, I don't even use those at home.

Pocketknife? I don't have one, and I don't like to shop.

Medicine? What ever happened to building your immune system!?

Small divider for daily receipts? I have basically zero idea what this is, so how necessary can it really be?

Some things I did pack (apart from my toothbrush and clothes) that I found helpful:

Snacks (though I didn't really fall back on them unless meals were delayed for some reason - the food was good!)

Phone (I didn't get an international plan, but my phone is fully functional wherever I have wifi, which some of the hotels had for free)

Wet wipes (toilet paper is sometimes optional in other parts of the globe)

Electric converter

Debit card (do your research and find one without foreign ATM fees - they are out there)


Some things I packed that were not as helpful as I would have hoped:

E-reader (I thought I would read on the plane, but turns out they like to keep it dark so people can sleep. Also, on the long bus rides I figured I should try to soak in the sights.)

Driver's License (you never know when you might need an alternate form of ID, but I ended up keeping this with my passport because I only had two bags and kept photocopies of my passport in the other bag, so it probably would not have helped too much.)

Author: Elizabeth Ziegler
Last modified: 4/20/2016 11:34 AM (EDT)