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VR in the Classroom

VR is virtual reality. This lesson addressed iSTE Standard 5. Designer Indicator 5a:  Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs. It also addressed CAEP Standard Indicator 1.5: Providers ensure that completers model and apply technology standards as they design, implement and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning; and enrich professional practice. VR can enhance teaching for the teacher by giving them the opportunity to teach material in a fun way. Teaching does not always need to done using a textbook and using a quiz/test to determine how well the student knows the material. Teachers that use VR can get a break from constantly grading paperwork by using VR because they can simply view the students while using the VR and see how they are doing. VR can enhance learning for the student by offering them a different way to be taught. Students love going on field trips and the use of VR allows them to be able to go on one anytime because the school does not need to approve a real field trip, find transportation, and money gets saved for both the school and students. Students can learn about various subjects using VR. Ed tech issues that can be addressed by using VR fall under the social issues category. Using VR too long or quite often can possibly lead to problems with vision and even hearing (depending on the volume during each use) which is a health-related concern. Another tech issue that can be addressed falls under the educational issues category. Lack of technology funding can come into play if schools do not have enough money to supply the entire school with VR tools. VR is closely related to the simulation function and the content-area tools. Pros of using VR include saving money. Rather than trying to conduct a field trip to a certain place, teachers can find that place or a similar one using VR for the students to explore. Since this provides another method of field trips, schools do not need to supply transportation. Another pro is that the students can learn various subjects and can use VR anywhere as long as they have the proper tools. Cons of using VR include a lack of outside interaction. Since VR can basically do anything, users may develop the mindset that they do not have an actual need to go outside. Another con is that users become even more addicted to using technology to the point where it is almost completely taking over their lives. 


Author: Brianna Adams
Last modified: 12/7/2017 1:48 PM (EST)