M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction: Technology

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TEC 580

Practicum/Internship: Technology
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Modules 1-7 required

Practicum Manual
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Dedication: For the past two years my life has been filled with many writing assignments, projects and various evaluations all aimed at this very moment, completion of my master's degree in curriculum development and technology instruction.   The journey has been long, trying, frustrating, rewarding, pleasurable and most of all, a great benefit to my life and professional aspirations.  Along the path I have encountered a host of people that assisted in my efforts to obtain this degree.  I would like to take a moment to thank them. Beginning with Grand Canyon University, I would like to say thank you for providing me, what I believe, a quality education.  My enrollment counselor, Jennifer Stacy,  is simply amazing, my professors overall,  the best, and the level of academic expectation, two thumbs up.  I would like to give a special thank you to Mrs. Marianne Lenox, Staff and Volunteer Development Coordinator  for the Huntsville Madison County Public Library.  Mrs. Lenox offered me an opportunity to learn from her phenomenal knowledge of computer technology and its ability to efficiently serve training and development needs as her intern during the spring of 2011. Last but not least, I would like to thank my husband, children, grandchildren and Priscilla for being supportive by cooking, cleaning and making those most needed hot cups of coffee.  Thank you one and all, God most of all for everything thing big or small that you have contributed to my success through this program.

I am Genett Baines.  I currently reside in Huntsville Alabama with my husband and 12 year old granddaughter.  I lived in Michigan for the majority of my life.  I received my bachelor's of science in 1993 from Grand Valley State University and later returned to college and became certified to teach English Literature and Psychology at the high school level.  I have enjoyed over 25 years working with youth and young adults of the inner city through education, recreation, community involvlement, foster parenting, adopting and program development.  My life has been filled with loving, educating and motivating myself and others to overcome obstacles and nay sayers that would have one believe that circumstances dictate future chances.  My dedication to my own education serves as a rolemodel to youth from my neighborhood that "you can do this," (something I too must still be reminded of) the words my mentor told me just a few weeks ago.  Education is not a guarantee of anything but it is something I guarantee no one can take away.

The picture included here shows myself, Priscilla and two young chilldren that I often spend time with it further shows that even when I am on my way to church, as we were, I am bring along children for the experience.  The assignments, forms, Vita and assessments that are apart of this section are demonstrative of my abilities to review and assess my professional development.  They also represent artifacts that I have created over the past 7 weeks that have helped in developing necessary skills, knowledge and experience required to successfully integrate technology into educational curriculum and professional practice.  My practicum experience is evidence of my willingness to pursue professional activities and support as a learner and teacher.  The artifacts further show  that I can utilize assessment from others to improve my performance toward better instructional delivery.   Though this is the end of my academic journey with Grand Canyon University it is not the end of the learning I will encounter as I put into practice the knowledge and skills I have acquired here. Again, Thank You.

AZ- Arizona's Professional Teacher Standards
Standard 6: The teacher reviews and evaluates his or her overall performance and implements a professional development planThe performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the teacher:
Assessed performance 1: Reviews his or her practices and evaluates the influences of his or her practices on student growth and learning
Assessed performance 2: Designs and continually adapts a professional development plan for improving instruction and student learning
Assessed performance 3: Engages in activities that implement the professional development plan
Assessed performance 4: Uses employer's documentation of his or her performance to develop a professional development plan
Assessed performance 5: Pursues professional activities to support development as a learner and a teacher
Author: Genett Baines
Last modified: 5/20/2011 1:56 PM (EDT)