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Observed by intro Frostburg State Educucaton Students


This is a note from Frostburg State's Dr. Nichols after her Educ 200 class of 17 students came to observe my block 4 geography class at Braddock Middle School. The note complements many effective teaching skills shown during the lesson while also giving thanks for working in partnership with Dr. Nichols and Frostburg State.

    4d Participating in the Professional Community- During my second placement of my second internship, Dr. Nichols, and education professor at Frostburg State University asked if she could bring her students to observe me teach one of my class periods at Braddock Middle School. I was very honored to have been asked and gladly invited her class to come watch me teach my 4th block 7th grade geography class.

     4f Showing Professionalism- This artifact is a thank you note for letting her and 17 college students come watch me teach, but it is also a letter of my teaching skills that she enjoyed while watching me teach. In the letter she references and compliments my content knowledge, rapport with the students, ability to make class exciting, and also questioning strategies that force students to think on a much higher level.

     4e Growing and Developing Professionally- After accepting this opportunity, I did feel a sense of nervousness because there would be 18 adults watching a class period and lesson entirely developed by me. However, I believe that it is important to challenge yourself in all aspects of life if you want to learn new skills, and become better at whatever you are practicing whether that be a sport, a musical skill, or your profession.

Author: Chase Crislip
Last modified: 12/15/2014 8:01 AM (EDT)