Electronic portfolio



     These artifacts show the intern teacher implementing the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The research project gives students multiple means of expression. The students have options on how they want to display their final project. While most students chose powerpoint, other options would have been accepted by the teacher as long as all of the required information was met.

     Students also have varying degrees of abilities which falls under multiple means of engagement. All learners need to be challenged but not in the exact same ways. Varied levels of demands were expected from different students which were necessary for successful completion of the task. To balance the level of challenge students who consistently perform well in class received more difficult countries to research while students who struggle will receive countries with information that is more accessible.

     Multiple means of representation was also met in when explaining the project to the students. The project assignment was first explained orally. Then after that the instructions and rubrics were displayed on the document camera for the students to see visually. Before going to the computer lab, students were finally shown a sample project that was created by the intern which met all requirements.

     Implementing all of these aspects of UDL's resulted in a great turn out in the completion of the projects. When all the projects were submitted and graded the average combined score for all of the classes was a 26/30. Many students said they understood what to do after seeing the teacher created sample project. Also students had two full 113 minute class periods to work on this assignment. Many of the students were able to create a successful project on their own, while those who needed assistance received help throughout the two class periods.

     My professional development goals related to implementing effective teaching for high quality learning is to create lessons and assignments in which the teacher understands the content thoroughly and can explain well to the students. All the teachers that I have met during my internship said that the first year of teaching is the hardest because you will be creating your lessons from scratch each day and they will not be perfect. In order to met the goal I have of making sure all of my lessons are accessible to students and that the teacher is confident with the content, all of my lessons will be accompanied with lesson notes, and information that will explained to student about the content each time it is taught.

     The first time you teach the lesson it will not be perfect, so keeping these lesson notes and reflections after the first year of teaching lessons will ensure that each time the lesson is taught, the quality of information will be improved, resulting in high quality learning for the students.


Author: Chase Crislip
Last modified: 12/15/2014 8:01 AM (EDT)