Hayley Elder's Folio

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Vision Board 2022

At the beginning of the year I set five intentions. I find images that represent my goals and create vision boards to manifest the things I am working towards. 

Read. Reading at least one book a month is my objective for the year. So far, my favorites have been The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evristo. 

Wellness. Fitness and wellness are huge priorities in my life. I have been taking steps to hopefully achieve a plant-based and vegan diet in the near future. This year, I started working at GNC and Crunch Fitness. Both places have strengthened my relationship with wellness and has allowed me to share that passion with others. 

Heal. Every single day I take time to either mediate, journal, or a mixture of both to practice my inner healing. Also, I take pride in seeing a lovely therapist two times a month who supports me in my growth and healing journey. 

Documentation. I want to be able to look back on this year through my digital diary. I bought a film camera to use as one medium for that project. I enjoy documentating my life through pictures and videos. 

Travel. I took my first solo trip to Arizona a couple of months ago. My passport is impatiently waiting to be used. It is a priority that I take time to travel and explore. 

Author: Hayley Elder
Last modified: 10/2/2023 4:15 PM (EDT)