Martin Finnie's Professional Portfolio

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Martin L. Finnie's Biography

Martin earned his bachelors in Business Administration-Management from UNC-Charlotte. He is currently pursuing a Masters in the School of Education at Loyola University Chicago, with an expected completion in fall 2018. Martin joined Loyola's Student Transitions and Outreach team in the early summer of 2014.  Martin has been at Loyola since July of 2013 when he began his higher education career in First and Second Year Advising. A resident of Rogers Park, he enjoys the community feel that the students and faculty/staff provide the area. Martin is enjoying his role of first year programming to welcome new students to Loyola and help them in their Transition.

Currently serving as the Program Coordinator for First Year Experience, Second Year Experience and Transfer Support, Martin enjoys working to provide students with quality experiences that help to welcome these young adults as they transition into Loyola University Chicago.  Working collaboratively with faculty and various offices around campus, Martin understands the value of consolidated effort and resources to best meet students where they are in their academic development.  


Author: Martin Finnie
Last modified: 12/6/2018 7:36 AM (EDT)