MSU Teacher Education Information Module

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Admission Requirements

In order to be officially admitted to the education program you must meet the following requirements: 

  1. Display satisfactory skills as demonstrated by successful completion of the following courses with these minimum grades: a. ENGL 110- College Composition I C b. ENGL 120- College Composition II C c. Or ENGL 125- Business and Technical Writing C d. MATH 103- College Algebra C e. COMM 110- Fundamentals of Public Speaking C f. PSYC 111- Introduction to Psychology C g. PSYC 255- Child & Adolescent Psychology C h. EDUC 250- Intro to Education B
  2. Successful compltion of the new competency menu in math, reading and writing.
    Successfully complete the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test prior to admission to Teacher Education with scores that meet or exceed the North Dakota state requirements in Reading (156), Math (150), and Writing (160) or secure a composite score of 466 with no score dropping below the following minimum scores: Reading (149), Writing (153), and Math (143); 
    Meet the minimum ACT scores as follows: 22 Composite, 21 math, & 21 English Language Arts (ELA).  Please note that in order to get an ELA score the student must take the optional writing portion of the exam.    
  3. Attain a cumulative grade point average of 2.75;
  4. Complete Admission Interview;
  5. Provide proof of fingerprinting and a background check clearance; 
  6. Receive final approval from the Subcommittee of Admission and Retention when all criteria are met; and
  7. Consideration of recommendations from faculty, staff, or other references.

Please click here to view a video regarding admission to Teacher Education

How do I start the process of admission? 

  • In EDUC 250 students fill out an admission form, this information starts your file in the division offices.  
  • If you did not take EDUC 250 from MSU you will need to complete the biographical data form located in the Admission & Continuance DRF in Taskstream.  Please see the Taskstream link on the right side to learn how to purchase and enroll in the Taskstream system.  In addition to the biographical data form you will need to complete the top portion of the admission form (attached below).  Please complete that and email it to  
  • After your admission file is created, admission requirements will be checked by the Division offices 3 times a year (January, May, and August) to see if admission has been met.  The electronic admission file is updated in the Admission & Continuance DRF in Taskstream. 

What is the difference between provisional admission & full admission?

  • Students are provisionally admitted once they complete all of the course requirements, pass the Praxis, and have a high enough GPA.  After a student is provisionally admitted to the program they will receive an email from the Division offices with required next steps: Admission Interview & Background Check.  
  • After all admission requirements have been met an official admission date will be entered into the Admission & Continuance DRF in Taskstream. 

How do I increase my GPA? 

  • The program requires that a student have a 2.75 cumulative GPA.  Cumulative means that it counts any class from any University ever taken at the college level.  The easiest way to increase GPA is to retake classes that you didn't do well in.  GPA is calculated by dividing the number of credits taken by the honor points received for your classes, please see the example below. 

Each Letter grade is associated to a point value when calculated GPA (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0).  In order to calculate the Hpoints you multiple the number of credits by the value associated to the letter grade received.  Let's pretend that the student came in with the following courses: 

  • ENGL 110 (3 credit), earned C- to calculate the Hpoints I take 3 X 2(C)= 6
  • ENGL 120 (3 credit), earned D- to calculate the Hpoints I take 3 X 1(D)= 3
  • MATH 103 (3 credit), earned F- to calculate the Hpoints I take 3 X 0(F)= 0
  • PSYC 111 (3 credit), earned B- to calculate the Hpoints I take 3 X 3(B)= 9
  • EDUC 250 (3 credit), earned A- to calculate the Hpoints I take 3 X 4(A)= 12
  • SPAN 101 (4 credit), earned C- to calculate the Hpoints I take 4 X 2(C) = 8

After you calculate the H points for each course you then need to add the total credits and the total Hpoints. 

  • 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 19
  • 6 + 3 + 0 + 9 + 12 + 8= 38

Then you divide your Hpoints by your credits (38 % 19) = 2.  This student would have a 2.0 GPA.  Let's take the same courses and add in some repeats. 

  • ENGL 110 (3 credit), earned C- to calculate the Hpoints I take 3 X 2(C)= 6
  • ENGL 120 (3 credit), earned D- to calculate the Hpoints I take 3 X 1(D)= 3 *retook and earned a B- new calculation 3 X 3 (B) = 9
  • MATH 103 (3 credit), earned F- to calculate the Hpoints I take 3 X 0(F)= 0 *retook and earned an A - new calculation 3 X 4 (A) = 12
  • PSYC 111 (3 credit), earned B- to calculate the Hpoints I take 3 X 3(B)= 9
  • EDUC 250 (3 credit), earned A- to calculate the Hpoints I take 3 X 4(A)= 12
  • SPAN 101 (4 credit), earned C- to calculate the Hpoints I take 4 X 2(C) = 8 *retook and earned a B - new calculation 4 X 3 (B) = 12

After the repeats you would then need to recalculate the GPA. You do not increase the number of credits taken because you retook classes and they were already added into the credits earned.    

  • 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 19
  • 6 + 9 + 12 + 9 + 12 + 12= 60

After the repeats your hpoints increased from 38 to 60 and the credit hours stayed the same (60 % 19) = 3.16. The student's GPA increased from 2 to 3.16 simply by retaking 3 courses.  



Author: School of Education Manager
Last modified: 10/9/2024 12:30 PM (EST)