Applicants to the Graduate School must hold a terminal undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution for admission either as degree candidates, or on a provisional basis. If admitted in the latter group, students are responsible for taking care of any deficiencies in order to be considered for admission as degree candidates. Admission to the School Counseling program for graduate study begins each year in the summer. Application deadline for early admission is April 1 for full consideration. Applications are accepted after this date and reviewed.
In addition to the requirements set forth in the Admissions Graduate Catalog, applications to the M.Ed. School Counseling Program must comply with the following conditions and complete the admission process before the admission decision:
5. Applicant’s undergraduate preparation must include the following courses (or the equivalent as determined by the Program Coordinator) for a total of 6 hours: a) Introduction/General
Psychology and b) Educational Psychology or Developmental Psychology (Child or Adolescent).
6. Applicants must provide documentation of experience working with children and/or adolescents through paid employment, extensive volunteer work, and/or internship.