School Counseling Program Handbook

Program of Study

Students seeking a Master of Education degree in the School Counseling Program are required to file a Program of Study Form with the Program Coordinator prior to the first class.  This plan serves as a guide for students during their graduate work. The Program of Study is developed by the student with advisor and is approved by the Program Coordinator. The Program of Study form is sent to Graduate Services by the program coordinator.

Substitution of courses or changes in the student’s program must be approved by the Program Coordinator and the program faculty (e.g., independent studies, waiving a course, interdisciplinary courses) before the student can enroll in substituted course(s).  

Furthermore, any changes made to a student’s intended Program of Study must be updated in the program files.  It is important for students to identify full- or part-time status in their Programs of Study.  Students are responsible for keeping it current.

Author: Frostburg MEd School Counseling Manager
Last modified: 11/15/2021 2:12 PM (EDT)