Katia McCleaf's Webfolio

Pursuit: Week 1

Anatomy Tracking

For my first week on the pursuit of anatomy, I started looking to my artist friends for resources. I was given many reference images, and eventually linked to Stan Prokopenko's YouTube course on Anatomy. I decided what I would do is follow the course, and in addition, draw a hand each day, since hands are notoriously hard to draw. I watched the introduction video, and then moved onto the first bit of learning, anatomy tracing. After walking through one in the video, Proko tasked me with trying one on my own, for a reference point at the end. I tried my best on it and it is pictured above. That was about all I did for week one, and I am excited to learn

Author: Katia McCleaf
Last modified: 2/21/2023 2:25 PM (EST)