In addition to increased accountability, doing what works based on scientific research, and increased parental options, the No Child Left Behind Act gives more local control and flexibility. Arizona has created its standards with a program called “Arizona Learns.” In this program the AIMS test will measure state standards. It will require students to meet standards in reading, writing, and math. It also is probable that within the next few school years, science will be added (K. Lidstone, personal communication, September 9, 2003). Arizona’s goal for students testing starts in the 2004-2005 school year. That will be the first year the tests will be administered in grades 3-8 and high school. When test results are in, schools will be officially labeled as Excelling, Highly Performing, Performing, Underperforming, and Failing to Meet Academic Standards” (“Arizona Learns,” 2003, p. 14). According to Arizona Learns (2003) the accountability system in Arizona is using “Purposeful Accountability” which simply means that Arizona schools will have “accountability accompanied by a strong system of school improvement” (p. 13). The Arizona Learns program hopes to push Arizona schools to not just meet, but to excel at new state standards, and the new standards set by the No Child Left Behind Law.
America’s society has been built on accountability, so why should its public school system not be held accountable also? Is there truly a problem with requiring schools to all be on an equal playing field? Our School system is being given a timeline of over ten years to reach that goal, but is that truly not enough time? Of course, the answer to these questions is “yes.” This act has given new hope to our floundering school system. One question remains, are the opponents truly reading the law, or are they allowing the media to fill their minds with half-truths? Some may be suspicious of this act because it has exposed many problems that need immediate attention. The fact is these problems cannot be solved overnight. There is no easy fix, but The No Child Left Behind Act offers America the stepping stones to never leave another person behind.
Graphics provided by and Personal Clip Art Program