<font size=4><center>Jennifer McDaniel's Teacher Education Portfolio</font></center>

  1. <font size=3>Introduction to Education</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>Pro Con Debate</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>Critical Analysis</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Research Paper</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>My Final Reflection</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
    5. <font size=3>Philosophy of Teaching</font size=3>
  2. <font size=3>Cultural Diversity in Education</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>Imagine: My Inspiration For The Semester</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>Critical Analysis</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Teaching Strategies</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Native American Drop-out Rate: Research Paper and Presentation</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>Research Paper</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
      3. <font size=3>In-Class Activity</font size=3>
      4. <font size=3>Handout</font size=3>
      5. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
    5. <font size=3>Final Reflection</font size=3>
    6. <font size=3>My Philosophy of Cultural Education</font size=3>
  3. <font size=3>Introduction to Exceptional Learner</font>
    1. <font size=3>Philosophy of Exceptional Learners</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>The Referral Process for Special Education</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>The I.E.P. Process</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Students with Emotional and Behavior Disorders a Collaborative Group Project</font>
  4. <font size=3>Technology Courses</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>WebQuest: Learning To Make Net Smart Choices</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>Teacher's Handouts</fontsize=3>
    2. <font size=3>WebQuest: Amazing People in U.S. History Memorial Wall</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>Amazing People in U.S. History Worksheet and Teacher Guide</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Reader Response: "Teacher vs. Computer"</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Reader Response: "Technical Difficulties" </font size=3>
    5. <font size=3>Final Reflection of Service Learning in a Technology Classroom</font size=3>
    6. <font size=3>Philosophy of Classroom Technology</font size=3>
  5. <font size=3>Relationships in a Classroom Setting</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>Philosophy of Classroom Management</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>Final Reflection</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Theorist Research Project </font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>Class Activity</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Professional Reading Response</font size=3>
  6. <font size=3>Social Studies Courses</font size=3>

<font size=3>The I.E.P. Process</font size=3>

IEP Picture.gif

On my fourth visit to Mrs. Dugans class I came as she was just finishing an IEP meeting.  After the meeting she sat down and reviewed the IEP with me.  To be honest I was overwhelmed with the amount of information found on the IEP.  I can understand the anxiety and confusion a parent must feel after seeing an IEP for the first time.  One of the first things Mrs. Dugan told me about the IEP is that the IEP form will vary depending on the District in which the IEP is being completed.  I also learned that the IEP that a High School Student has will very from that of an Elementary student.  With High School IEP’s there is more of a focus on the student’s success in life skills rather then their success in academic skills.  Students set goals with Mrs. Dugan each quarter before their IEP meeting. After setting the goals Mrs. Dugan, the attendees at the IEP meeting and the students will work on a plan for the student to reach those goals.  Before the next IEP meeting Mrs. Dugan will sit down with the student again and review the progress of the goals that they set last time.

            I had a chance to also speak with the occupational therapist about the IEP and the role that she plays with the process.  She attends all of the IEP meetings and is a crucial part of most students with the success of meeting their goals.  She explained to me that the time she spends with the students decreases, as they get closer to graduation.  When
I asked her why this was she said that in most cases the students skills are what they are by the High School level so they use the time to work on more life skills with students.


Graphics provided by www.ed.gov


Author: Jeni McDaniel
Last modified: 12/11/2005 6:33 PM (EDT)