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"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it."
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-Martin Luther King Jr.
A flame of hatred has been passed for generations. To this point no generation has ever been able to completely extinguish it. However, if we imagined for a moment that for the next few generations hatred could not be passed on. If this were to happen, it might lead to hatred’s demise and to a better world. As teachers, we must focus our efforts on teaching future generations to extinguish that hatred, educating them to accept cultural differences. The fact is, that as a teacher, I am educating the future. It is possible that one day a student of mine could become the President of The United States, or an ambassador to another country, or even a mom or dad. If I were able to give that student an understanding and respect towards other cultures, perhaps they could pass on that understanding and respect and create a domino effect for all whom they encounter in their lives.
There is not a day that goes by that an event occurs that changes someone’s life. Every day a page is added to the history books of the future. As a teacher who will teach those future books, I must make sure my students understand the importance of history and the importance of the people who have shaped it. I must also make sure that my students realize the importance of every human in history. Whether white, black, Asian, Hispanic, woman, or man, so many have made such significant strides in their generations. While this will be a difficult task, I feel that teaching my students to understand all people is my most important responsibility. After all, the students I teach will someday pass the torch to future generations, and I am hopeful that the tolerance and understanding they learn in my classroom will be passed along with it.
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