Garrett Miller's Professional Portfolio

Home > Domain I > Artifact: Middle Ages Webquest

Artifact: Middle Ages Webquest

Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
knights-templar.jpg This artifact fits into Domain 1b because it assesses individual needs and interests of students. Earlier within the Middle Ages Unit, I had gotten some feedback from the students on what topics of the Middle Ages they were personally interested in. The students gave a variety of responses, including things such as weapons, armor, warfare, fashion, and torture. I was able to put together a webquest which would incorporate nearly all of the students' interests into one activity, to have a more student-centered lesson. The students seemed extremely interested in this lesson, and really seemed to enjoy Part B where they were able to indulge in the topic of their choice. Later on in the unit whenever we were studying the Crusades, I asked higher-level questions and we looked into why people from the Middle East "hate" Westerners in today's society. 
File Attachments:
  1. Honors MIDDLE AGES WEBQUEST Answer Key.docx Honors MIDDLE AGES WEBQUEST Answer Key.docx
    Here, we have the answer key to the given activity.
    Attached is the worksheet students were to complete by using my very own webquest page. There were a series of questions for each topic heading, and they were designed in a way to improve students' digital literacy and skimming capabilities.
Author: Garrett Miller
Last modified: 11/24/2015 5:37 PM (EDT)