Garrett Miller's Professional Portfolio

Home > Domain III

Domain III

Instruction and Communication


3a: Communicating Clearly and Accurately

models good grammar and syntax in the school setting

• spells correctly

• writes legibly

• uses voice effectively through proper enunciation, volume, pitch, and speed

• expresses ideas clearly, concisely, accurately and logically

• communicates sensitively and equitably across diverse populations


3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques

asks questions at various cognitive levels to encourage higher levels of thinking

• employs divergent questions to bring in other perspectives

• asks questions that encourage exploration of content from different perspectives

• allows adequate wait time for student responses after asking questions

• probes student responses seeking clarification or elaboration

• engages all students in discussion


3c: Engaging Students in Learning

connects lesson content to students’ knowledge, interests, experiences, and cultures

• communicates goals, objectives, directions, and procedures clearly

• selects examples and metaphors that illustrate new ideas and skills relevant to diverse cultures

• paces lessons appropriately based on students’ needs and abilities

• utilizes materials and technologies appropriate to diverse learning styles

• incorporates a variety of activities and materials suitable to instructional goals and objectives

• utilizes various instructional strategies (problem-based, direct instruction, cooperative learning, etc.)

• encourages student interaction that promotes tolerance of various points of view


3d: Providing Feedback to Students

gives accurate, specific, and substantive feedback

• provides constructive feedback that advances understanding

• gives feedback in a timely manner

• responds sensitively to verbal and nonverbal signals from students that indicate lack of understanding

• reacts to students’ verbal and nonverbal communication in a positive manner


3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness 

accommodates exceptionalities

• revises activities during instruction in response to students’ feedback

• adjusts instruction to use teachable moments

• assists students who are disengaged or who are having difficulty learning

• exhibits initiative, originality, and creativity reflective of the community of learners

Author: Garrett Miller
Last modified: 11/24/2015 5:37 PM (EDT)