PGHS-PE Department

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PE Course Information

Dress Requirements

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The Physical Education t-shirt and shorts purchased for $15.00 are required. Torn or altered clothing, are not permitted. Street clothing will not be permitted. It is wise to print your name on both shirt and shorts. If you do not have proper PE attire you will receive a zero for dress for each day not prepared. Gym shoes and socks are mandatory for physical education classes. For the safety of all students no jewelry is to be worn in physical education classes. Students should not bring valuables to Physical Education class. In cooler weather, when classes are going outdoors, appropriate warm clothing such as sweat shirts, running suits and warm-up jackets are recommended. Outdoor activities will take place outside in cooler weather. Please dress appropriately! Other helpful items would be sunglasses, sunscreen and hat.


Each student, for safety and security, must have their own combination lock and small locker. Each student must register their small locker number combination with their teacher. The full lockers in the Physical Education area are to be used for securing street clothing, textbooks, etc. while the student is participating in physical education class. Students are not permitted to use the full lockers on a permanent basis. Locks left on long lockers will be taken off if left overnight. All students should dress in the physical education locker room for physical education activities. Only students who have registered their locks and lockers will be assisted in opening locks and lockers.

Make Up Work

Students are allowed to make up days missed because of excused absences. These makeups are scheduled on specific days throughout the term. A makeup form must be filled out and turned in to the teacher to receive credit for the makeup. It is the responsibility of the student to follow through with the paper work necessary. Make up work can also be done off campus by participating in activities such as golf or bowling and bringing in your score card signed and your receipt. Activities like rock climbing, tennis, etc… at a paid place of business is also available but you must discuss this with your teacher before hand.

Medical Excuses


It is understandable that there are times when a student cannot participate in physical education class due to a short term, unexpected illness or injury. Students unable to participate must bring a note from a parent/guardian (for 1 to 3days), or doctor (for 4 or more days) to the school physical education class. Students are expected to dress in PE Attire even if they will not be active. Students with an extended doctor's excuse (five or more days) may be reassigned.

Daily Schedule

Daily schedule:


Stretch/ roll call




Cleanup when instructed 1-2 min. after 10 min. bell rings. 

All equipment must be put away.

Teacher excuses class when gym or field is cleaned.


Possible roll call in the gym.

Stay in gym until bell rings.  Do not wait on stairs or in halls.

National Standards

National Standards for Physical Education

Physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. The goal of physical education is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.

A physically educated person:

Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity.

Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.

Purpose of the National Standards Document

Standards Provide the Framework for a Quality Physical Education Program

What is worth teaching and learning in physical education? The national content standards define what a student should know and be able to do as result of a quality physical education program. They provide a framework for developing realistic and achievable expectations for student performance at every grade level. These expectations are the first step in designing an instructionally aligned program.

National Standards Provide Guidance for Developing State and Local Standards

States and local school districts across the country have used the national standards to develop standards, frameworks, and curricula. Others have revised their existing standards and curricula to align with the national standards.

Standards Increase the Professional Stature of Physical Education

The national standards demonstrate that physical education has academic standing equal to other subject areas. They describe achievement, show that knowledge and skills matter, and confirm that mere willing participation is not the same as education. In short, national physical education standards bring accountability and rigor to the profession.

Author: Brock Moore
Last modified: 09/25/2012 3:13 AM (MST)