OCPE - College of Education - Louisiana Tech University

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Documents & Forms

Teacher Candidates - Reference the TaskStream Help section of this website for downloadable Instructional Guides illustrating how to use TaskStream for functions such as developing and submitting lesson plans, portfolios, rubrics, and more.

Faculty -   Reference the TaskStream Help section of this website for downloadable Instructional Guides illustrating how to use TaskStream for functions such as scoring candidate submitted work.


File Attachments:
  1. Compass Teacher Evaluation Guidebook 2012-2013.pdf Compass Teacher Evaluation Guidebook 2012-2013.pdf
  2. Guided Observation Form Guided Observation Form
  3. Lincoln Parish Dress Code Policy for Teacher and Administrators Lincoln Parish Dress Code Policy for Teacher and Administrators
  4. Partner Schools - List Partner Schools - List
    List of schools in the 10 ten school districts served by Louisiana Tech University. The list provides contact information and various data connected to the diverse populations of the schools.
  5. PK-3 ST Hours Composite Report PK-3 ST Hours Composite Report
    Submitted as partial fulfillment of the Final Report for PK-3 Student Teachers
  6. ST Hours Composite Report ST Hours Composite Report
    Submitted as partial fulfillment of the Final Report for Student Teachers
  7. ST_Handbook_dtd_2-28-13.pdf ST_Handbook_dtd_2-28-13.pdf
  8. Tech Lesson Plan Template 3 1 03.pdf Tech Lesson Plan Template 3 1 03.pdf
  9. Weekly Activity Log Weekly Activity Log
Web Links:
  1. Types of Teaching Certifications Types of Teaching Certifications
    Types of teaching authorizations and certifications for the state of Louisiana

Evaluations & Rubrics

File Attachments:
  2. Evaluation of Clinical University Faculty by Clinical School Faculty Evaluation of Clinical University Faculty by Clinical School Faculty
    Used by the Clinical School Faculty (CSF) member to evaluate the Clinical University Faculty (CUF) member. This form is to be used by CSFs that have opted to not use TaskStream.
  3. Evaluation of Clinical University Faculty by Clinical University Faculty Evaluation of Clinical University Faculty by Clinical University Faculty
    Used by the Clinical University Faculty (CSF) member to evaluate the Clinical School Faculty (CUF) member. This form is to be used by CUFs that have opted to not use TaskStream.
  4. Rubric: ECI-NASPE-HPE Rubric: ECI-NASPE-HPE
    Rubric describing the criteria for the scoring of each of the NASPE indicators.
  5. Rubric: ECI-NCSS-Social Studies Rubric: ECI-NCSS-Social Studies
    Rubric describing the criteria for the scoring of each of the NCSS indicators.
  6. Rubric: ECI-NCTM-Math Rubric: ECI-NCTM-Math
    Rubric describing the criteria for the scoring of each of the NCTM indicators.
  7. Rubric: ECI-NSTA-Science Rubric: ECI-NSTA-Science
    Rubric describing the criteria for the scoring of each of the NSTA indicators.
  8. Rubric: ECI-NSTE-English Rubric: ECI-NSTE-English
    Rubric describing the criteria for the scoring of each of the NSTE indicators.
Author: La Tech OFCE
Last modified: 10/31/2013 7:51 AM (EDT)