Rebecca Parker

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Digital Projects

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  1. The History and Etymology of the word Cheap The History and Etymology of the word Cheap
    This project is an in-depth investigation of the word cheap. Created as the final research project for the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg's History of the English Language Course taught by Dr. Greenfield; this project describes the usage of cheap in the English language exploring how cheap has developed from the earliest uses of the word into how we use it in the present day.
  2. The Restoration of Nell Nelson The Restoration of Nell Nelson
    This project restores Nell Nelson's instrumental work exposing the cruel unsanitary working conditions of 19th-century Chicago’s manufacturing industry. A pioneer of investigative reporting, Nelson published the series, "City Slave Girls," in The Chicago Times. Focusing on the ill-effects of industrialization, she exposed the mistreatment of the women, children, and the impoverished.
Author: Rebecca Parker
Last modified: 3/15/2018 4:27 PM (EDT)