Urban Teacher Program (UTP) Student Handbook

Home > VII. Standards, Required Assessments & Exams

VII. Standards, Required Assessments & Exams

The following assessments and exams are required while an urban teacher candidate, for program completion or for licensure:

1) Standards and Key "signature" assessments in certain courses that have primary responsibility for assessing your competence of meeting licensure standards (both Standards of Effective Practice for all teachers and content standards specific to your licensure area) as you progress through the Urban Teacher Program.   You submit assignments in TaskStream through the "Monitoring Candidate Progress in Meeting SEP's" DRF link as you are enrolled in certain identified courses in your program.  You should not submit work after the course is completed.   (See a list of your key assessments within each course for your licensure program when you log into your TaskStream account and click on the "Monitoring Candidate Progress in Meeting SEP's" DRF link.)

2) edTPA  (Teacher Performance Assessment)
This is completed during student teaching and involves completing several key tasks while teaching a unit and reflecting upon it as well as recording some video of your teaching to demonstrate your effectiveness engaging students in learning. All teacher candidates seeking a recommendation for licensure in the state of Minnesota must complete the edTPA for their licensure area.  You can access the edTPA Handbook for your licensure area when you log into TaskStream.  Contact the School of Urban Education's Director of Field Experiences if you have questions.

3) Minnesota Teacher Licensing Exams (MTLE)   NOTE:  Effective July 1, 2023 the MN Legislature eliminated the MTLE requirement for anyone who completed a PELSB-approved MN preparation program seeking Tier 3 or Tier 4 licensure.   See: https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/testing/

Web Links:
  1. Learn more about the edTPA Learn more about the edTPA
    This is edTPA's official site. The specific edTPA handbook for your licensure area is accessible when log into TaskStream and you are nearing student teaching.
Author: Urban Teacher Program Manager
Last modified: 8/6/2023 9:11 PM (EDT)