Physics Wonder Girls Camp for Middle School Girls

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Campus Map



DROP-OFF/PICK-UP: We recommend to parents who are driving to turn into S 42nd St. (from Woodland Ave.) and follow the red arrows on the enclosed map  to the drop off/pick up location close to  “X”. You can also turn into S 45th St. Camp crew holding a large sign and wearing the camp shirt will be on-hand to meet you. Parents or guardians must sign-in/sign-out their camper and show their picture ID’s.  Camp crew will be at the drop-off point at 8:30-9am. Parents are welcome to visit STC 202 to see where the camp is held. In the afternoon, parents may proceed to STC 202 to pick-up their camper between 4:00-4:30 pm.  

Directions to STC 202 (camp room) :

1. Enter the 1st floor of the STC Building.

2. Proceed to the second floor via stairs or elevator and look for signs pointing to STC 202.

On the last day of the camp, the capstone activity, the Wonder Girls Physics Show, will be held at STC 202. For parking, please park in any lot labeled "P" in the above map, or at any available street parking close to the university.


Author: Roberto Ramos
Last modified: 8/29/2017 9:32 AM (EST)