3rd Grade States of Matter

Lesson 9


Grade Level: 3rd

Unit: States of Matter

Lesson: Gas and temperature!

Date: 11/17/11

Time: 1:00pm

Prior Knowledge: the students can define matter, name solid, liquid, and gas, and describe their molecules. They can describe characteristics of and how temperature affect solids, liquids, and gases and name specific examples.

Objective: SWBAT to predict how to turn a liquid into a gas. (pre/post question 5).



 Set:  “Think about our experiment yesterday, what did we decide happened to our paper towels? Look at our predictions from yesterday, what did we learn?”

 (10 min)

Whole group chart – students can follow along in their journals. Each group will report what they originally predicted about yesterday’s activity and I will record on our large prediction chart. Then, each group will report what actually happened. Then, we will discuss WHY and record our conclusions. The paper towel did not get wet because the air took up its space!

(whole group, each group from yesterday had a reporter and that is the student that will talk for their group as we make our chart. Management: noise-o-meter on a 1, voices off unless called on.)

 (10 min)

Humidifier Activity: I will explain to the students about the humidifier brought into the classroom. The water is in the base of it and when turned on the water gets heated and steam comes out, why? Record in our journals what we think. Turn and talk to your study buddy about why that happens. Now, in your small group of 4 discuss why this happens. Whole group – I record on board – why does this happen. Heat causes water (liquid) to turn to steam (gas).

(whole group, then study buddies, then small group discussions. Management: noise-o-meter on a 2, study buddy voices. Raise hand to participate in whole group. Groups will get approximately 2 minutes to discuss.)

 (10 min)

Putting it all together – large group graphic organizer of solids, liquids, and gases. This activity will get them thinking about similarities and differences for our large compare and contrast activity tomorrow. The chart includes a place to write about molecules, shapes, examples, and characteristics of each state of matter.

(whole group, review/encourage answers, review journals and students who took notes)

 (5 min)


2 stars and a wish

(daily formative assessment, what did you learn about solids, liquids, gases overall, what was your favorite thing?)



*2 large charts


*2 stars, 1 wish booklets




Self-assessment/How do I know if they met: When reviewing journals and circulating the room during the students humidifier discussions, all of the groups were talking about how heat would make liquid turn to a gas and steam is a gas. The students understood this pretty well and reflected on it.

The class was overall actively engaged in our graphic organizer and was able to classify the examples, characteristics, and other things for each state of matter. They will be thinking about similarities and differences for a compare and contrast activity tomorrow.

Next steps:  I feel that the students have a good grasp of each of the state of matter. We can now compare and contrast them tomorrow before taking the post-test.

Did I meet my objective?

Yes        or         No



What worked?

The large graphic organizers and charts that the students can then copy in their journals have been very successful through the unit and continuing today. The students are able to visually see in a large form an organized chart of our group thoughts. I think this was very beneficial today doing a large group prediction sheet to revisit our experiment from yesterday. I needed to ensure they understood why the paper towel did not get wet and did not have time to do that yesterday. By organizing all of our groups information onto one chart we could see what we agreed and disagreed on and come to one group conclusion by having discussions about our experiements.

What would I change?

Today was less kinesthetic than some of the past days in the unit have been. The students were overall engaged but I may have left more time at the end to play another round of matter tic-tac-toe or come up with another matter game at the end to get them up and moving for part of the lesson while still reviewing, etc.





Visual and auditory cues. We did big graphic organizers today so my ESOL student was able to partner with her study buddy (expert group) about the chart she missed and catch up.


Expert groups for students who were pulled out.

Special Needs

N/A – The 3 low students are in the LRC during my lesson each day.


Journal reflecting/ writing/graphic organizers

Author: Megan Richardson
Last modified: 12/9/2011 9:35 AM (EST)