3rd Grade States of Matter

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Curriculum Overview

Essential Questions, Rationale, and Pre-requisite Skills


The 3rdgrade science standards state that students should be able to compare and contrast the different states of matter. It also states that students should be able to begin the basic scientific inquiry process.  The states of matter and the characteristics of each is an important tool for students to begin to learn. As they get older they will begin to have questions about what “things” are and what “stuff” is made out of. Providing them with the basic knowledge that everything is made of matter and the similarities and differences between the 3 states of matter can begin to show them what things are made of. The students can also begin to learn the scientific inquiry process while learning about matter by making predictions and hypothesis, trying the experiments with solids, liquids, and gases, and determining if their prediction was correct. This is a skill they will need in their school and beyond.


Pre-Requisite Skills:

-ability to read grade level text

-ability to participate in classroom and partner discussions

-know how to draw pictures and pick out “key phrases”


Essential Questions:

1. How does heat and cooling effect the states of matter?

2. What are characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases.

3. What are examples of each state of matter?


3rdgrade state science standards:

 3.1P.1 - Compare and contrast the properties of states of matter.

3.3S.1 -  Plan a simple investigation based on a testable question, match measuring tools to their uses,

and collect and record data from a scientific investigation.

 3.3S.2  - Use the data collected from a scientific investigation to explain the results and draw conclusions.

Goals and Objectives


  1. Students will attain the concept (understand) each state of matter.
  2. Students will develop the understanding and skills to classify solids, liquids, and gases into correct groups.



#1.  Students will glue pictures or words of solids, liquids, and gases onto their correct boxes on a paper/poster.   (understanding)

#2. Students will draw and demonstrate what each state of matter looks like under a microscope. (applying)

#3. In small groups, students will create a visual board demonstrating how heat and/or cool effect a state of matter. (creating)

#4. Students will write at least 2 similarities or 2 differences on sticky notes and add them to a Solids, Liquids, and Gases venn-diagram. (analysing)

#5. Students will write or verbally tell the definition of matter. (remembering)

#6. Students will keep a daily science journal about what they are learning and questions they have about matter. (applying)

Author: Megan Richardson
Last modified: 12/9/2011 9:35 AM (EST)