Martha Riley Spring 2012

Gaming Page


As a future educator I feel it is important to use the technological tools that are available. For years teachers have been creating games to help teach their students different material and for reviewing the material. Now teachers have the opportunity to create games online using different software and websites. Students enjoy participating in educational activities and games while in school. 

I created a bingo game that is about feelings. This particular game is wonderful for the younger elementary students while learning about feelings. Students are able to have their own bingo board and play along while their teachers call out the feeling. This game was created on and unfortunately can only be viewd as a webpage. The boards that were created are able to be printed off for students but can't be viewed as a PDF or a working document. I found this website extremely simple to use and very useful for not only teachers but also students to use.

File Attachments:
  1. Feelings Bingo Board Feelings Bingo Board
    This game was created on a website that can be printed but only viewed as a webpage.
Web Links:
  1. Bingo Creator Bingo Creator
    This was the website that was used to create the bingo boards.
Author: Martha Riley
Last modified: 5/8/2012 6:05 AM (EDT)