Basic Safety and Horse Care Tutorial

Basic Safety and Horse Care Tutorial

My horse and I

Welcome to the Hoofn’ It Stables Basic Safety and Horse Care Tutorial. You are here because you are new to the world of horses. We want you to have a safe, enjoyable experience with your horse. This tutorial reviews only a few of the basics. It does not replace professional training and riding lessons. This is a foundation for which you can build upon.


Tutorial Goal

Upon successful completion of The Basic Horse Care and Safety Tutorial, you will be able to demonstrate safe approach, tying, grooming, and tacking, while identifying potentially hazardous situations and avoid them 95% of the time.


  1. You will identify safe ways to approach a distracted horse with 95% accuracy.
  2. You will demonstrate tying a slip knot that can easily release when a horse is tied, in an emergency situation, with 95% accuracy.
  3. You will demonstrate safe locations to tie a horse while on a trail ride with 95% accuracy.
  4. You will demonstrate safe grooming practices before and after riding the horse with 95% accuracy.
  5. You will demonstrate properly saddling and bridling a horse before riding with 95% accuracy.

Please take the pre-test before continuing on to any lessons. Click the Next Arrow in the lower left corner to begin.



Hoofn' It Stables is a fictitious company, made up by Angelia Saner; however, the information contained in this tutorial is true and correct.



Last modified: 2/4/2013 1:58 PM (EDT)