In this course, you will practice planning for science teaching. This will include a series of FOUR lesson plans two assessments (formative and summative) and an analysis of an assessment (an example of how you will use assessment in planning for teaching). We will do these over the course of the semester as we talk about different aspects of how to teach science. You will have one rubric for all the parts of the portfolio and you will have opportunity to revise based on my comments.
Each of the lesson plans will follow the following format:
- Standards: List the Idaho Standards and, if appropriate, the NGSS Science or Engineering Practice you will address.
- Connection to CCSS ELA: In at least two of the lesson plans, you will need to make a connection to the CCSS ELA (Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening).
- Vocabulary: List the vocabulary (academic or domain specific) kids will need to know or will work on in the lesson (CCSS ELA Language)
- Objectives: List what you want kids to know and be able to do from the lesson. Since this is just one lesson, it may be something you are having kids work on in that lesson but not necessarily master.
- Safety: List the safety requirements for the activity, how you will give instructions on safety and how you will check for understanding of safety instructions.
- Common Misconceptions: List the common misconceptions kids might have on the concept you are trying to teach.
- Materials needed: List the materials you’ll need for this lesson.
- What you will do and what kids will do during the lesson. Be as detailed as possible. During this part, we’ll have a different focus for each lesson.
- Reflection on How People Learn. Detail how this lesson connects with at least one lens or classroom practice of the four listed. You need to make sure that at some point you connect to all four.
- Sources used. You do not need to use any specific citation style, but make sure I know where it came from.
Lesson Plan Focus
- Engage Phase/Discrepant Event
- Nature of Science
- Choice Science and Engineering Practice
- Questioning/Discussion
Additional portfolio pieces
- Planning for Formative Assessment
- Analysis of the Formative Assessment
- Summative Assessment