PreK - 8 Program Teacher Assistantship Handbook

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Teacher Assistant(s) Professional Behavior

Teacher Assistant(s) Professional Behavior Concerns Procedures

When teacher assistant(s) exhibit(s) unprofessional behaviors, the following steps will be taken:




The mentor teacher and the teacher assistant(s) will meet to discuss the problem and make a list of the professional behaviors expected from the teacher assistant(s). The supervisor may be invited to the meeting but, at a minimum, must receive a copy of the list of expected behaviors. This communication may be through email.




If the professional behavior does not show immediate and consistent improvement, the mentor teacher needs to inform the supervisor who will then arrange a meeting with the principal, the mentor, and teacher assistant(s) to discuss the problem. The teacher assistant(s) may be removed from the placement if circumstances warrant this action.





NOTE: The school has the right to remove the teacher assistant(s) immediately. This decision can be made by the principal and mentor teacher. The supervisor of the assistant(s) needs to be notified of such removal as soon as possible.



Author: Rita Thomas
Last modified: 1/25/2012 10:06 AM (EDT)