May Weber Collections Internship

May Weber Collections Internship

Jamie Witherby

Jamie Witherby

Welcome to my ePortfolio about my experiences with the May Weber Collection! I learned basic and advanced management techniques to engage with the various objects of the May Weber Collection: cataloguing, writing condition reports, photography, building permanent storage mounts, and researching to write detailed object narratives. While I participated in all of the listed tasks, my primary roles in the collection regarded organizational and interpretive analyses of the accessioned objects. My secondary role was telling bad jokes and ridiculous puns, motivating myself as well as my fellow interns to enjoy every moment of this unique and exciting opportunity.

I moved from my very small hometown in Ohio to Chicago to attend Loyola University in August of 2012. My interests include creative writing, Bollywood dancing, and traveling. Relevant research experiences include attending Loyola’s archaeology field school, completing an independent study and thesis paper regarding the ceramics found during excavation of a mid-19th century farmstead site, and studying abroad in Bangalore, India from January to June of 2014 with classes focused on cultural studies. After graduation in December of 2014, I hope to find a job in a related field of anthropology to raise money for graduate school. I plan to pursue a PhD in Sociocultural Anthropology with a focus on the effects of media and advertising in South Asia. My research interests include the socioeconomic discourses regarding escapism through the Bollywood industry in India as well as the perceptual prevalence of gendered sexual violence in Bollywood cinema.

Author: Jamie Witherby
Last modified: 12/11/2014 4:17 PM (EST)