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ABC's of Third Grade

ABSENCES: Much of our learning takes place together in class. We do lots of hands-on activities and group work. Please plan to attend school every day, except in cases of illness or emergencies. If your child will be absent, please call Mrs. Puleo or send me an email. 

ARRIVAL at school begins at 7:40am, although the bell does not ring until 7:55am. 

BIRTHDAYS: If you would like to send a treat with your child on or near his/her birthday, please feel free to do so. These treats will be eaten during our snack time or after lunch. If your child has a summer birthday, you may send in treats on his/her “half-birthday.” 

CONFERENCES are held at the end of the first quarter. Watch for information and reply accordingly. I am also available to conference as needed, however, we will need to schedule a time convenient for both of us. 

DISMISSAL:  Dismissal is at 2:35pm. If there are any changes in home transportation, a note from home is required.

EMERGENCY CARDS should be on file in the office. If your address, or any of your phone numbers change, please inform the office (and me!).

EMAIL is my preferred method of communication because of the quick turn-around. If you have an email address that you check regularly, please provide it to me to maximize our communication.

FIELD TRIPS: Because of the Pandemic, there will be NO field trips this year. 

GRADING: Students will be assessed using letter grades this year (A, B, C, D) based on their performance in math, reading, writing, science, and social studies, as well as the special areas (music, art, and PE).  

HOMEWORK: Students will receive nightly homework. Homework makes-up 10% of your child's final grade. Homework should not take more than 30 minutes each night. A minimum of 20 minutes of nightly reading is also expected.  

INCENTIVES: We all know that the offer of incentives can be a fun way to help motivate students to succeed. Ask your child about our Classroom Treasure Chest. 

INDEPENDENCE is a goal for students because it builds self-esteem and self-confidence. Third graders are very capable of doing many things on their own and I encourage them to do as much as they can for themselves in the classroom. Please encourage them to think through and problem-solve in everyday situations. 

JOURNALS (or composition books) are used daily. I do not check or correct anything written in these journals. It is some place where students can jot down what they are feeling that day or tell a funny story. 

KEEP INFORMED by checking out this website. I plan to update it regularly to share events, lessons, and photos from our classroom activities.

LUNCH takes place at 12pm. See the main office with any questions or concerns regarding this.

MYSTERY READERS: Would you like to read to the class? Shhhh…keep it a secret and sign up to be a Mystery Reader. Kids love surprises! I will send home available dates – you pick the date(s) that work best for you.

NEWSLETTERS will be sent home every Wednesday through the Wednesday Email. Important information is always included, so please read carefully.  

OPEN HOUSE will take place on Tuesday September 7th at 6pm. Please make sure to wear a mask, keep your distance and come at the right session.


PE  Students must wear sneakers and their gym uniforms on PE days (Wednesday). 


QUESTIONS: Instead of asking your child, “What did you do in school today?” ask, “What book did you read during independent reading?” or “What did you learn in math?” or “Tell me what you wrote about during Journal Time!” Show that you’re interested, and ask specific questions. Most likely, your child will respond positively and more openly.

REPORT CARDS Please see the school calendar for specific dates.

SNACK: Kids need snacks! When healthy snack choices are made, they provide the nutrients and calories kids need for growth, good health and energy to get through the day. Please pack your child a healthy snack to enjoy on a daily basis. We eat snack at 9:40am.

SUPPLIES: A supply list was mailed to you during the summer to indicate the items your child needs in class. Please make sure your child is prepared for school every day with those essential items. Your child should also have supplies at home (as well as a quiet place to work) to complete at-home assignments.

TARDIES: If your child arrives at school after the bell rings at 7:55am, they need to stop into the office and see Mrs. Puleo.

UNIQUE: Each student in my classroom is unique. I will do my best to differentiate instruction to ensure that all children get what they need to be successful in third grade.


WATER BOTTLES: Please feel free to have your child bring a water bottle to class. I prefer the reusable, aluminum water bottles with tight fitting lids (fewer spills). Please encourage your child to bring their water bottle home regularly to wash it.

WISH LIST: items needed thoughout the year will be listed in the "wish list tab".

It is EXTRAORDINARILY important for your child to have a successful third grade YEAR. I will do my best to make learning fun and exciting – you can expect a lot of growth in so many different areas. It will seem as if the 2021-2022 school year will ZOOM by!

Author: Devin Ard
Last modified: 10/15/2021 9:40 AM (EDT)