Dr. Patrick M. Green Professional Portfolio

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Scholarly Publications and Papers

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Scholarly Publications and Papers

Edited Volumes

Berkey, B., Meixner, C., Green, P.M., & Eddins, E. (Eds.) (in press, July 2018). Re-conceptualizing faculty development in service-learning / community engagement: Exploring intersections, frameworks, and models of practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Green, P.M.& Johnson, M. Eds. (2014) Crossing Boundaries: Tension and Transformation in International Service-Learning (Stylus Publishing).

Book Chapters/Book Reviews


Green, P.M., Eddins, E.A., Berkey, B., & Meixner, C., (2018). Exploring the Borderlands through Collaborative Inquiry: A Narrative Introduction. In Eds. Berkey, B., Meixner, C., Green, P.M., & Eddins, E.A., Reconceptualizing Faculty Development in Service-Learning / Community Engagement: Exploring Intersections, Frameworks, and Models of Practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.


Meixner, C., Berkey, B., & Green, P.M., (2018). Dynamics on the Edge: Exploring Roles and Intersections in Service-Learning and Community Engagement and Educational Development. In Eds. Berkey, B., Meixner, C., Green, P.M., & Eddins, E.A., Reconceptualizing Faculty Development in Service-Learning / Community Engagement: Exploring Intersections, Frameworks, and Models of Practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.


Green, P. M. Street Teaching in the Tenderloin: Jumpin’ Down the Rabbit Hole. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement  [S.l.], v. 21, n. 4, p. 211-216, dec. 2017. ISSN 2164-8212. Available at:http://openjournals.libs.uga.edu/index.php/jheoe/article/view/1936/1051  Date accessed: 30 Jan. 2018.

Green, P.M., Harrison, B., Jones, J., & Shaffer, T. J. Paving new professional pathways for community-engaged scholarship. In Post, M.A., Ward, E., Longo, Nicholas, & Saltmarsh, J. (2016) Publicly Engaged Scholars: Next-Generation Engagement and the Future of Higher Education (Stylus Publishing).

Christopher, K. & Green, P.M. (June 2012). Undergraduate Research Housed in a Center for Experiential Learning. In Kinkead, J., & Blockus, L. (Eds.) Undergraduate Research Offices and Programs: Models and Practices. Council for Undergraduate Research (CUR Publication).

Wong, W.Y.L., Green, P.M., Wan, B.W.C. (March 2012) "In Search of Experiential Learning in the Jesuit Traditions: The Loyola Experience." In Simon, K.S. (Eds.) Hybrid Learning: 5th International Conference, ICHL 2012, Guangzhou, China, August 13-15, 2012, Proceedings.

Burton, E., Green, P., Meyer, M., & Post, M. (2009). Location of Service-Learning in Institutions. In Strait, J., & Lima, M. (Eds.) The Future of Service-Learning: New Solutions for Sustaining and Improving Practice. Stylus Publishing, Inc.

Dunlap, M., Scoggin, J., Green, P.M., & Davi, A. (Spring 2007). White Students’ Experiences of Privilege and Socioeconomic Disparities: Toward a Theoretical Model.Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.

Scholarly Papers/Proceedings

Green, P.M.A Program Model of Experiential Learning: Enhancing Student Learning and Career Readiness. (April, 2009). Paper published in the Proceedings of the Higher Learning Commission 114th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.

Green, P.M.Implementing Service-Learning into World History: How do you do THAT? (Fall, 2007).Paper published in the Proceedings of the Roosevelt University Mini-Conference on Teaching (RUMCOT III).

 Green, P. (2006). Dissertation, Service-Reflection-Learning: An Action Research Study of the Meaning-Making Processes Occurring Through Reflection in a Service-Learning Course, Department of Educational Leadership and Organizational Change, Roosevelt University, Chicago.

 Green, P.M., A Guide to Service-Learning Implementation. (October, 2005). Paper published in the Proceedings of the Roosevelt University Mini-Conference on Teaching (RUMCOT II).


File Attachments:
  1. A Program Model of Experiential Learning A Program Model of Experiential Learning
    Paper presented at the Higher Learning Commission Annual Meeting.
  2. Letter from Editors of Undergraduate Research Office & Programs: Models & Practices Letter from Editors of Undergraduate Research Office & Programs: Models & Practices
    This letter from the editors of the Council for Undergraduate Research publication, which features a chapter on the Center for Experiential Learning, highlights our contribution to this text.
  3. Roosevelt University Proceedings Roosevelt University Proceedings
    Roosevelt Univeristy Mini-Conference on Teaching Proceedings (2007).
Author: Patrick Green
Last modified: 12/20/2019 12:05 PM (EDT)