Student Learning Outcomes for Academic Programs

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Student Learning Outcomes

Goal 1: Students will gain knowledge across fundamental areas of chemistry. 

1.A Students will demonstrate an understanding of fundamental areas of chemistry. 

1.B Students will recognize, interpret and analyze basic chemistry concepts and processes across disciplines of chemistry. 

1.C Students will distinguish between scientific and non-scientific evidence. 

Goal 2: Students will apply observational, quantitative, or technological methods to gather data, analyze data and generate evidence- based conclusions. 

2.A Students will demonstrate hands-on skills in the laboratory. 

2.B Students will design experiments or methodology to solve a problem. 

2.C Students will record and organize experimental or research data clearly. 

2.D Students will evaluate and critically analyze data to generate evidence-based conclusions. 

Goal 3: Students will demonstrate effective oral and written communication of chemistry information.

3.A Students will produce a well-written paper in the scientific style over a chemistry research topic. 

3.B Students will present an oral presentation analyzing a chemistry research topic. 

Goal 4:  Chemistry BS majors will participate in original research. 

4.A Students will produce new research under an advisor's supervision.

Author: IU Southeast Manager
Last modified: 5/3/2023 11:57 AM (EST)