<font size=4><center>Jennifer McDaniel's Teacher Education Portfolio</font></center>

  1. <font size=3>Introduction to Education</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>Pro Con Debate</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>Critical Analysis</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Research Paper</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>My Final Reflection</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
    5. <font size=3>Philosophy of Teaching</font size=3>
  2. <font size=3>Cultural Diversity in Education</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>Imagine: My Inspiration For The Semester</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>Critical Analysis</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Teaching Strategies</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Native American Drop-out Rate: Research Paper and Presentation</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>Research Paper</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
      3. <font size=3>In-Class Activity</font size=3>
      4. <font size=3>Handout</font size=3>
      5. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
    5. <font size=3>Final Reflection</font size=3>
    6. <font size=3>My Philosophy of Cultural Education</font size=3>
  3. <font size=3>Introduction to Exceptional Learner</font>
    1. <font size=3>Philosophy of Exceptional Learners</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>The Referral Process for Special Education</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>The I.E.P. Process</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Students with Emotional and Behavior Disorders a Collaborative Group Project</font>
  4. <font size=3>Technology Courses</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>WebQuest: Learning To Make Net Smart Choices</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>Teacher's Handouts</fontsize=3>
    2. <font size=3>WebQuest: Amazing People in U.S. History Memorial Wall</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>Amazing People in U.S. History Worksheet and Teacher Guide</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Reader Response: "Teacher vs. Computer"</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Reader Response: "Technical Difficulties" </font size=3>
    5. <font size=3>Final Reflection of Service Learning in a Technology Classroom</font size=3>
    6. <font size=3>Philosophy of Classroom Technology</font size=3>
  5. <font size=3>Relationships in a Classroom Setting</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>Philosophy of Classroom Management</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>Final Reflection</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Theorist Research Project </font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>Class Activity</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Professional Reading Response</font size=3>
  6. <font size=3>Social Studies Courses</font size=3>
Home > <font size=4><font color=blue>Course Work</font size=4></font> > <font size=3>Technology Courses</font size=3> > <font size=3>WebQuest: Learning To Make Net Smart Choices</font size=3>

<font size=3>WebQuest: Learning To Make Net Smart Choices</font size=3>

Amy Choice.gif

This WebQuest was created for Junior High to High School students.  The lessons in this project help students to understand and avoid the bad side of the internet.  The NetSmartz website and workshops were created by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) and Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA). The site is a great tool for parents and educators that need to help children, of any age, understand the dangerous aspects of surfing the world wide web.

<font size=3>Introduction</font size=3>


The internet is a fantastic tool.  However like many other wonderful tools it can become something dangerous.  Each year thousands of teens fall victim to internet predators.  As students who will be using the internet for many different educational projects it is important to know how to use the internet safely.

<font size=3>The Task</font size=3>

Certs.jpg During this project you will be working on completing your driver’s license to drive on the Internet super highway.  It is not until you have that certificate that you can use the internet in my classroom.

<font size=3>The Process</font size=3>

Step One: Ask me for a Vocabulary handout.  This handout has not only the words, but also the definitions to the words.  When you see examples of the words, while you are doing the rest of the activities write them down on this sheet.  You must make sure that for each word you have written at least one example before you turn it in.

Step Two: Go to the NetSmartz Web Site. </A>When the page opens watch “Amy’s Choice.” 

  • When you are finished watching, write a ½ page reaction to the video.  This is a reaction to what you were thinking when you watched it, not what happened during the video. I have already seen it; I don’t want to hear about it!  Remember, just YOUR reaction.

Step Three: Go back to the NetSmartz Website When the page opens watch “Julie’s Journey.”

  • When you are finished watching write a ½ page reaction to the video.  This is a reaction to what you were thinking when you watched it,  not what happened during the video.  Again, I have already seen it!  Remember, just YOUR reaction.

Step Four: Go back to the NetSmartz Website When the page opens watch “Tracking Teresa.”

  • When you are finished watching, go to: The NetSmartz situation cards page.  Pick any 4 of the situations and respond to it.  You may use the resources found on NetSmartz if you need help finding answers.

Step Five: Ask me for a Safety Pledge.  Read over the pledge and sign at the bottom in the first box.  The next box must be signed by your parents.  If your parents do not sign this page, you will:

  • Not receive points for any part of the project
  • Not be allowed to use school computers during my classes

Step Six: Visit the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. This site is dedicated to stopping Online Predators.  Use the sites tools to find answers to the following questions (Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper):

  • How can a person report a sighting of a missing child?
  • What is the AMBER Plan?
  • What is Megan’s Law?
  • In your opinion, why is it important to learn about the dangers of the internet? (I expect this answer to be longer than a sentence.  Make sure you tell me your opinions on internet safety)

<font size=3>Evaluation</font size=3>

Internet Vocabulary

50 Points

SIGNED Safety Pledge

100 Points

Situation Cards (From “Tracking Teresa”)                               

40 Points (10 Points Each)

Response to “Amy’s Choice”

20 Points

Response to “Juie’s Journey”

20 Points

Answers to Cyber Tip Line Questions

70 Points


300 Points

<font size=3>Conclusion</font size=3>


During this project you have become aware of the dark sides of the Internet.  Even though the internet can be dangerous, when used wisely it is an amazing tool. Now that you have completed the tasks of getting your internet Safety Pledge, you are free to drive on the <st1:Street w:st="on"><st1:address w:st="on">Internet Super Highway</st1:address></st1:Street>.


Graphics provided by personal clip art and www.netsmartz.org 

Author: Jeni McDaniel
Last modified: 12/11/2005 6:33 PM (EDT)