<font size=4><center>Jennifer McDaniel's Teacher Education Portfolio</font></center>

Home > <font size=4><font color=white>Field Experience</font size=4></font> > <font size=3>Mesquite High School</3>

<font size=3>Mesquite High School</3>


For both my Computer Usage and Application course and my Relationships in a Classroom Settings course I attended Mesquite High School for my service learning.  I learned so much about both areas from my mentor teacher.  After being in his classroom, I realize the importance that both classroom management and technology play an important role in education.  The classroom I was in was technology based and had computers for every student.  While I realize someday that I might have a classroom that has no computers, it is my hope that I can utilize the computer lab because I realize what a wonderful tool technology and the internet is for my students.  My mentor teacher also helped me to understand classroom management by pointing out specific problems and solutions.  He also gave me some great ideas about rules, discipline, and procedures at the High School level. 

The graphic on this page is a personal photograph

Author: Jeni McDaniel
Last modified: 12/11/2005 6:33 PM (EDT)