Ashlyn Neeb

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Self Focus

    As you can see from my resume there are plenty of interests and skills that I obtain to make me my own person and will hopefully help me chose the right career for myself. I love to read and write, anything in the literacy field I love. Including drawing, poems, short stories, etc. I love to play sports, which I've done all my life, and I love to venture outdoors. Whether its camping, hiking, or participating in some of my favorite hobbies, such as writing or writing, in my back yard. I have had many experiences in life that allow me to obtain the skills that I do today. I believe I have great people skills whether it be communicating or listening to others. I would say my leadership skills are stronger than others and my will to work hard and efficiently back that up.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

    Like I said before there are many experiences that I have that allowed me to gain these skills and put them to use. I worked at steak’ n’ shake and I currently work at Kroger now. Having people skills through listening and communicating is demanded in both of these areas of work. Although, at times it can be a challenge I can honestly say they have given me many life skills that I can confidently use and put on my resume. I have no issue taking charge, being a leader, when needed because I have been situations where I see what needs to be done and I, myself, have to motivate others to work with me to get the job done. Taking the lead, being a leader, is very important when you play sports whether it’s in a professional level or not. Thankfully, I have sixteen plus years in soccer and basketball to back me up on that and a few short seasons of other sports. Lastly, I have been on mission trips and worked with others multiple times. The one mission trip that impacted me the most was to Uganda, Africa, where me and a group of others helped repair a run down baby cottage and help nurture and care for the sixty plus orphans, and the workers, that were in that baby cottage. These are some of the many life experiences that has inspired and shaped my character giving me more than enough skills to benefit from. 

Author: Ashlyn Neeb
Last modified: 12/1/2016 4:33 PM (EDT)